Journalism education ‘truth’ challenges: An age of growing hate, intolerance and disinformation


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By David Robie in Pacific Journalism Review

This keynote commentary at the Asian Congress for Media and Communication (ACMC) conference with the theme Change, Adaptation and Culture: Media and Communication in Pandemic Times is addressed through a discussion of three main issues:

  1. The Covid-19 Pandemic and how it is being coped with;
  2. A parallel Infodemic—a crisis of communication, and the surge of ‘disinformation’ and truth challenges in an ‘age of hatred and intolerance’; and
  3. The global Climate Emergency and the disproportionate impact this is having on the Asia-Pacific region.

Finally the author concludes with an overview of some helpful strategies for communicators and educators from his perspective as a journalist and media academic with a mission.

David Robie
David Robie
Dr David Robie was previously founding director and professor of journalism at AUT’s Pacific Media Centre (PMC). He worked with postgraduate student journalists to edit Pacific Media Watch - a daily digital archive of dispatches about Pacific journalism and media, ethics and professionalism. The PMC also jointly published the high profile independent Pacific Scoop news website with industry partner, Scoop Media, and Asia Pacific Report, which David now edits independently in partnership with Evening Report: David is also the founding editor of Pacific Journalism Review (PJR).
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