TRIBUTE: By Dan McGarry
In Bislama, they say, "Wan nambanga i foldaon".
A great tree has fallen.
The nambanga, or banyan tree, is the centrepiece of many a Vanuatu village. Its massive...
Asia Pacific Report
A West Papuan leader has accused Indonesia of imposing a “martial law” on the Melanesian region in response to the kidnapping of...
The last fortnight has seen a series of brutal, deliberately provocative Israeli attacks on Palestinian worshippers at Al Aqsa Mosque in...
SPECIAL REPORT: By Natasha Johnson
When Tahlea Aualiitia talks about hosting the ABC’s new Pacific-focused news and current affairs TV programme, The Pacific, her voice...
Flashback to a cover story in African Development magazine in April 1974. The Trans-African Highway (TAH) was expected to ease trade and other contacts...
RNZ Pacific
The authorities in Indonesia’s Papua region say the search for a New Zealand pilot taken hostage by West Papua Liberation Movement freedom fighters...