
Dan McGarry: Marc Neil-Jones is dead. His legacy lives on.

TRIBUTE: By Dan McGarry In Bislama, they say, "Wan nambanga i foldaon". A great tree has fallen. The nambanga, or banyan tree, is the centrepiece of many a Vanuatu village. Its massive...

Marshall Islands: How the Rongelap evacuation changed the course of history

SPECIAL REPORT: By Giff Johnson The late Member of Parliament Jeton Anjain and the people of the nuclear test-affected...

Caitlin Johnstone: Even more assaults on free speech to silence criticism of Israel

COMMENTARY: By Caitlin Johnstone Notes from The Edge of the Narrative Matrix Acting on orders from the White House, immigration...

Rainbow Warrior back in Marshall Islands on nuclear justice mission

By Reza Azam of Greenpeace Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior has arrived back in the Marshall Islands yesterday for a...

Vanuatu mourns loss of iconic Pacific media pioneer Marc Neil-Jones

OBITUARY: By Terence Malapa in Port Vila Vanuatu’s media community was in mourning today following the death on Monday...

Today FM hosts abruptly taken off air and told ‘play music’ in radio shock

Pacific Media Watch The Mediaworks’ radio station Today FM abandoned scheduling today when presenters broke from programming to question the future of their employer. Broadcasters told...

Fiji to scrap ‘dead in water’ media law with pledge to back independent journalism

By Kelvin Anthony The Fiji government has announced it will repeal the controversial Media Industry Development Act 2010. Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said cabinet had approved...

Indonesian security forces attack West Papuan rebels holding NZ pilot

By Finau Fonua and Koroi Hawkins Indonesian security forces in Papua last week launched an offensive against the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) command...

Repeal ‘draconian’ MIDA Act, urge Fiji media and journalism stakeholders

By Kelvin Anthony The Fiji government is signalling that it will not completely tear down the country’s controversial media law which, according to local newsrooms...

Keeping the flow – the use of te reo Māori at NZ’s Parliament

By Johnny Blades An increased appetite to learn te reo Māori among members and staff from different parts of the Parliamentary system means the work...

The ‘death’ of journalism – may its memory be a blessing

Café Pacific A snippet shared about the ChatGPT debate from one of the gurus of investigative journalism, Sheila Coronel, at New York’s Columbia School of...