Tag: Asia Pacific Report


Yamin Kogoya: Happy West Papua Day – and the brutal truth about where we are now

COMMENTARY: By Yamin Kogoya On 30 June 2022, the Indonesian Parliament in Jakarta passed legislation to split West Papua into three more pieces. The Papuan people’s...

NZ’s Parliament siege, ‘disinformation war’, kava and media change featured in latest PJR (2022)

By Pacific Media Watch Frontline investigative articles on Aotearoa New Zealand’s 23-day Parliament protester siege, social media disinformation and Asia-Pacific media changes and adaptations...

Open season again for Indonesian military trolls and ‘fake news’ campaign on West Papua

SPECIAL REPORT: By David Robie It is open season again for Indonesian trolls targeting Asia Pacific Report and other media with fake news and...

PMC director blasts politicians, media over ‘shameful silence’ on West Papua

Pacific Media Watch in Brisbane Pacific Media Centre director Professor David Robie condemned the Australian and New Zealand governments and mainstream media for their “deafening silence”...

Asia Pacific Report: A New Zealand nonprofit journalism model for campus-based social justice media

By David Robie For 13 years (2007-2020), the Pacific Media Centre research and publication unit at Auckland University of Technology published journalism with an "activist"...

The PMC project: independent journalism

Reported and presented by Alistar Kata Alistar Kata, an award-winning journalist with Tagata Pasifika, made a 15 minute mini-documentary about the work of the Pacific...