Tag: China-US rivalry


China trying to buy influence with Pacific media as it strengthens its presence in region

By Mackenzie Smith and Toby Mann Concerns have been raised about foreign influence in Pacific media after it was revealed Solomon Islands’ longest-running newspaper received...

NZ ‘inert’ over Israel’s ‘flagrant violations’ in occupied Palestine

COMMENTARY: By John Minto No government likes to be called out for human rights abuses and it’s uncomfortable to do so, particularly when the abuser...

Pacific journos urged not to let geopolitics ‘skew their narratives’

RNZ Pacific The editor of the Marshall Islands Journal, Giff Johnson, is urging Pacific journalists not to be swayed by geopolitical narratives and to stay...

Highly secretive Five Eyes alliance disrupts China-backed hacker group

ANALYSIS: By Dennis B. Desmond This week the Five Eyes alliance — an intelligence alliance between Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and the...

‘Two-way highway’ – PNG-US defence pact signed in spite of protests

By Lydia Lewis and Scott Waide in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says the increased United States security involvement in Papua...

Memories of war haunt ‘slippery slope’ to a militarised Pacific

ANALYSIS: By Barbara Dreaver in Port Moresby When I was growing up in Kiribati, then known as the Gilbert Islands, New Zealand divers came to...