Tag: Fiji human rights


Graham Davis: Fiji coup culture – here we go again. More instability?

COMMENTARY: By Graham Davis The Fiji Times totally crossed the line today by using a convicted felon who took part in the 2000 coup to...

After historic apology, Fiji moves to build a reconciled nation

By Kalinga Seneviratne in Suva In an emotionally charged “Reconciliation and thanksgiving” service organised by Fiji’s Methodist Church -- the country’s largest Christian denomination --...

‘Time is right for reconciliation’ – Fiji’s Methodist Church seeks to mend race relations

By Rachael Nath The Methodist Church of Fiji is seeking forgiveness from the descendants of Indian indentured labourers, or Girmitiyas, for the transgressions of the...

Fiji lawyer Imrana Jalal’s warning: ‘No victimisation or targeted prosecutions’

By Timoci Vula in Suva Fiji lawyer and former human rights activist Imrana Jalal has offered a “warning” to her motherland that should people be...

Professor thrilled over USP return – Fiji to pay $90m university debt

By Felix Chaudhary in Suva Exiled University of the South Pacific vice-chancellor Professor Pal Ahluwalia says he is thrilled at the prospect of returning to...

Archive: Tortured Fiji academic tells of his scars

From Café Pacific 1990 archives: The abduction and torture of a scientist by soldiers has exposed a sinister side to the current ruling regime...