Tag: geopolitics


A role for Pacific media in charting a pragmatic global outlook

ANALYSIS: By Shailendra Bahadur Singh and Amit Sarwal in Suva Given the intensifying situation, journalists, academics and experts joined to state the need for the...

Defend ‘Pacific voice’ over geopolitics, climate crisis – keep pressure on decolonisation, says David Robie

By Monika Singh in Suva New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) awardee Professor David Robie has called on young journalists to see journalism as a...

Question for PNG foreign minister Tkatchenko – what does the defence pact mean for West Papua?

ANALYSIS: By Ali Mirin Papua New Guinea and Indonesia have formally ratified a defence agreement a decade after its initial signing. PNG’s Foreign Minister Justin Tkatchenko...

When all the world’s failings end in Gaza – Selwyn Manning, Paul Buchanan assess the crisis

By Selwyn Manning, editor of Evening Report As we prepared for this podcast, representatives of Arab states have presented a united front at the United...

Ian Powell: Context of the ‘New Washington Consensus’ and China ‘threat’ for New Zealand

POLITICAL BYTES: By Ian Powell There is a reported apparent rift within cabinet between Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta and Defence Minister Andrew Little over Aotearoa...

Benny Wenda says dream of MSG full membership ‘will happen’ in Port Vila

By Kelvin Anthony in Port Vila The leader of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), Benny Wenda, has expressed confidence that the leaders’...