Tag: human rights


Vila-based Indonesian ‘troll’ page targets Papuan advocates

By David Robie As part of an Indonesian-backed disinformation and troll campaign against West Papuan pro-independence advocates, a Facebook page has emerged making bitter and...

Decolonisation tensions rise in New Caledonia as Kanaks accuse France of opposing ‘wind of history’

By Walter Zweifel New Caledonia’s largest pro-independence party has been told that France is “panicking” and afraid of losing New Caledonia. The head of the Caledonian...

Wenda accuses Indonesia of imposing ‘martial law’ abuses on West Papua

Asia Pacific Report A West Papuan leader has accused Indonesia of imposing a “martial law” on the Melanesian region in response to the kidnapping of...

John Minto: Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque – and the failings of media

COMMENTARY: By John Minto The last fortnight has seen a series of brutal, deliberately provocative Israeli attacks on Palestinian worshippers at Al Aqsa Mosque in...

‘I feel vindicated’ – Vanuatu Daily Post in landmark work permit win

RNZ Pacific Vanuatu’s Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Trading Post Ltd, the owner of the Vanuatu Daily Post newspaper, BUZZ FM96 and other...

Solidarity medical aid convoy breaches blockade and says: ‘Gaza isn’t alone’

SPECIAL REPORT: By Roger Fowler A delegation of the Miles of Smiles 41st solidarity aid convoy recently entered Gaza to deliver more than US$200,000 of...