Tag: human rights


Israel’s war on Gaza and why the West threatens to unravel the liberal world order

ANALYSIS: By Hina Rabbani Khar Over the past decade and a half, I have attended many meetings and conferences, and met many people in Western...

World Court or­ders Is­rael to take steps to pre­vent acts of geno­cide in Gaza

Asia Pacific Report The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to take steps to prevent acts of genocide in South Africa’s case over...

When Yemen does it it’s ‘terrorism’, when the US does it it’s ‘the rules-based order’

COMMENTARY: By Caitlin Johnstone The Biden administration has officially re-designated Ansarallah  --  the dominant force in Yemen also known as the Houthis  -- as a...

New Zealand can learn from South Africa, The Gambia and others when it comes to international accountability

ANALYSIS: By Karen Scott In 2023, the world witnessed a sustained attack on the very foundations of the international legal order. Russia, a permanent member of...

Former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman faced ‘continuous death threats’, says Shaw

RNZ News Former Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman — a leading voice in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Parliament for human rights, an independent foreign policy, and...

‘Uphold right to life’ says watchdog in aftermath of deadly PNG unrest

By Caleb Fotheringham Amnesty International is calling on Papua New Guinea authorities to protect human rights in response to the riots. Port Moresby is in a...