Tag: Māori rights


A grim Atlas guides NZ’s right-wing politics

The three-party coalition that took power in New Zealand late in 2023, after a campaign centred on attacking the country’s founding Waitangi Treaty, has...

Waitangi Day 2024: 5 myths and misconceptions that confuse NZ’s 1840 Treaty debate

ANALYSIS: By Paul Moon When it comes to grappling with the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi, one of the commonest responses is that it...

NZ election 2023: From ‘pebble in the shoe’ to future power broker – the rise and rise of Te Pāti Māori

ANALYSIS: By Annie Te One In his maiden speech to Parliament in 2020, Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi told his fellow MPs: You know what...