Tag: Norway


Owen Wilkes was an admirable, fearless and unforgettable New Zealander

INTRODUCTION: By Mark Derby Just weeks after Owen Wilkes’ sudden death in 2005, a van arrived at his basic bach in Kāwhia to carry away...

Iconic peace researcher Owen Wilkes exposed global covert military activity and inspired NZ’s nuclear-free status

REVIEW:  By Ken Mansell The recent publication of a book of essays honouring the life of legendary New Zealand peace researcher and activist Owen Wilkes...

Owen Wilkes: Exposing foreign militarism on the ‘backside of the earth’

By David Robie When I first encountered Owen Wilkes it was at a range of 17,000 kilometres -- the distance between Auckland, Aotearoa, and Stockholm,...

Owen Wilkes, the intellect behind New Zealand’s anti-nuclear stance

A new book about one of New Zealand’s foremost peace activists offers insight into Owen Wilkes, the man described as the intellect behind New...