Tag: nuclear-free activism


Long game: political activism for a public voice at Parliament

THE HOUSE: By Johnny Blades If elected representatives have their work cut out for them to create the slightest social or political change through Parliament,...

Owen Wilkes, the intellect behind New Zealand’s anti-nuclear stance

A new book about one of New Zealand’s foremost peace activists offers insight into Owen Wilkes, the man described as the intellect behind New...

531pi’s Ma’a Brian Sagala talks nuclear-free Pacific with David Robie

Pacific Media Watch Radio 531pi Breakfast Talanoa host Ma'a Brian Sagala talks about the Rarotonga Treaty with Pacific Media Centre director Professor David Robie. The treaty...

Ban the bomb – how NZ’s ordinary ‘Davids’ checked the nuclear Goliath

OFF THE WALL: with Padre James Bhagwan in Suva As we conclude the month of June 2017, it would be remiss of me not to...

Thirty years later: David Robie and the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior

New Zealand journalist and media educator David Robie returns with two books commemorating the sinking of Greenpeace’s iconic campaign ship and the nuclear-free Pacific...

Archive: Challenging Goliath – New Internationalist 1986

When Aotearoa (NZ) banned nuclear warships from its ports it was seen as David standing up to Washington's Goliath. But behind Prime Minister David...