Tag: Palestine


After 3 months of devastation in the Israel-Hamas war, is anyone ‘winning’?

ANALYSIS: By Ian Parmeter The 19th century German war strategist and field marshal Helmuth von Moltke famously coined the aphorism “No battle plan survives first...

South Africa’s genocide case against Israel over Gaza ‘chilling’ in detail

Asia Pacific Report South Africa has accused Israel of “genocidal intent” over its war on the besieged enclave Gaza Strip, and pleaded with judges at...

Why NZ should join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel

The International Court of Justice will today begin hearing oral arguments in the case filed by South Africa, invoking the Genocide Convention in the...

When all the world’s failings end in Gaza – Selwyn Manning, Paul Buchanan assess the crisis

By Selwyn Manning, editor of Evening Report As we prepared for this podcast, representatives of Arab states have presented a united front at the United...

Asian states shocked by Hamas raids but no ‘blind support’ for Israel

ANALYSIS: By Kalinga Seneviratne in Singapore In the aftermath of Palestinian group Hamas’ terror attack inside Israel on October 7 and the Israeli state’s even...

Big Auckland rally shows solidarity with Palestine over ‘genocidal’ war

Asia Pacific Report About 2000 people from Aotearoa New Zealand communities, including many families, staged a vibrant rally in Auckland’s Aotea Square and marched down...