Tag: Public Interest Journalism


‘The Forever War’ – ABC Four Corners reports on the assault on Gaza

Pacific Media Watch The War on Gaza will be etched in the memories of generations to come — the brutality of Hamas’s 7 October 2023...

Pasifika people using kava and talanoa to boost mental health

By Alualumoana Luaitalo ​A new business initiative in Aotearoa New Zealand aims to open up conversations about the benefits of kava on mental health. Tongan entrepreneur...

‘Let’s tell our own stories’ – Pacific broadcasters seek sovereignty

By Alice Lolohea of Tagata Pasifika Twenty five broadcasters from 13 Pacific countries touched down in Auckland recently for the Pacific Broadcasters conference. A meet and...

Speaking to the world, but mirroring Australia’s off-again, on-again Pacific engagement

REVIEW: By Rowan Callick Radio Australia was conceived at the beginning of the Second World War out of Canberra’s desire to counter Japanese propaganda in...

Fiji’s coalition trinity means ‘more cooks’ but Rabuka confident on future

The first time Sitiveni Rabuka was elected into office was more than 30 years ago. Today marks a little over a month since he...