Tag: Rainbow Warrior bombing


Nuclear free Pacific – back to the future, Earthwise talks to David Robie

Pacific Media Watch Earthwise presenters Lois and Martin Griffiths of Plains FM96.9 radio talk to Dr David Robie, editor of Asia Pacific Report, about heightened...

How Jeton Anjain planned the Rongelap evacuation – new Rainbow Warrior podcast series

REVIEW: By Giff Johnson in Majuro As a prelude to the 40th anniversary of the evacuation of Rongelap Islanders to Mejatto Island in Kwajalein in...

The last voyage of the Rainbow Warrior – Rongelap podcast series

ABC Radio Australia and RNZ You probably know about the last moments of the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior in 1985. But what do you know about...

Rainbow Warrior sails Pacific seeking evidence for World Court climate case

By Sera Sefeti in Suva International environmental campaign group Greenpeace’s flagship Rainbow Warrior is currently sailing across the Pacific, calling at ports and collecting evidence...

Flashback 1989: Rising storm in the Pacific

On 10 July 2023 -- marking the 1985 bombing of the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior -- Television New Zealand began broadcasting a BBC/Oxford Scientific...

Nuclear-free campaigners warn against AUKUS raising Pacific tensions

By David Robie Advocates and defenders of a nuclear-free Pacific have condemned the AUKUS military pact and warned New Zealand that the agreement would make...