Tag: refugees


Open letter: Dear President Biden, why do you support genocide in Gaza?

OPEN LETTER: By Ghada Ageel Dear President Biden, I am writing to you for the second time. I first wrote to you on November 4 after...

Jeremy Scahill: Israel has waged a ‘deliberate propaganda campaign’ to justify brutal Gaza assault

DEMOCRACY NOW! Guest Jeremy Scahill The United States and more than a dozen other countries quickly moved to suspend funding to UNRWA, the UN agency...

Disinformation and climate crisis, governance, training feature in PJR

Pacific Journalism Review Research on climate crisis as the new target for disinformation peddlers, governance and the media, China’s growing communication influence, and journalism training...

‘Mental torture’ – protesters seek freedom for detained Iran refugee

By Lydia Lewis and Christina Persico As Australian protesters gathered outside the Brisbane detention centre calling for the freedom of a Nauru refugee, the man...

Nakba Day – 75 years of Palestinian statelessness, but also persistence

NAKBA DAY ADDRESS: By Rand Hazou Although Israelis celebrate 1948 as the birth of the Jewish nation, for Palestinians this date is referred to as...

‘New Zealand, get me off this island,’ pleads 9-year Iran refugee on Nauru

By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific journalist A second group of refugees detained in offshore Australian detention camps have arrived in New Zealand. Four people touched down...