Tag: Sweden


Owen Wilkes was an admirable, fearless and unforgettable New Zealander

INTRODUCTION: By Mark Derby Just weeks after Owen Wilkes’ sudden death in 2005, a van arrived at his basic bach in Kāwhia to carry away...

Iconic peace researcher Owen Wilkes exposed global covert military activity and inspired NZ’s nuclear-free status

REVIEW:  By Ken Mansell The recent publication of a book of essays honouring the life of legendary New Zealand peace researcher and activist Owen Wilkes...

Owen Wilkes: Exposing foreign militarism on the ‘backside of the earth’

By David Robie When I first encountered Owen Wilkes it was at a range of 17,000 kilometres -- the distance between Auckland, Aotearoa, and Stockholm,...

Owen Wilkes, the intellect behind New Zealand’s anti-nuclear stance

A new book about one of New Zealand’s foremost peace activists offers insight into Owen Wilkes, the man described as the intellect behind New...

‘Lots of information isn’t secret, it’s just hard to find’ – Nicky Hager on one of NZ’s most famous whistleblowers

By Nicky Hager, book chapter in Peacemonger Whistleblower Owen Wilkes was a tireless and formidable researcher for the Pacific, peace and disarmament. Before the internet,...

Archive: Bicycle snoop riles the Baltic

By David Robie in The New Zealand Times Is Sweden breaching its long tradition of neutrality and secretly cooperating with Nato countries? Yes, believes controversial...