Tag: The Fiji Times


Fiji’s media still struggling to regain ‘free and fair’ space

COMMENTARY: By David Robie Almost eight months after the much-heralded election to usher Fiji back into democracy mode, the country will mark World Press Freedom...

West Papua a media black spot

By David Robie and Alex Perrottet The state of Pacific media freedom is fragile in the wake of serious setbacks, notably in Fiji, with...

No colonel of truth in Fiji

For a year, journalists in Fiji have had to live with censors posted in the newsroom. Now a new media decree threatens huge fines...

David Robie: Fiji media fights on for free press

By David Robie Editors, broadcasters and publishers are struggling to defend the last vestige of a free press in Fiji in the face of a...

Fiji’s ‘how to gag the media’ report

By David Robie in Café Pacific It is ironic that Jim Anthony's flawed report for the Fiji Human Rights Commission should be dubbed with an...

Freedom of speech in the Pacific: Don’t shoot the messenger

Many Pacific Islands neophyte journalists face a baptism of fire. It often takes raw courage to be a journalist in the Pacific. DAVID ROBIE...