Tag: University of Papua New Guinea


PNG police negotiators try to win freedom for hostage researchers

PNG Post-Courier An Australian-based anthropology professor and three Papua New Guinean women researchers are being held captive inside the jungles of the Southern Highlands after...

NZ’s Parliament siege, ‘disinformation war’, kava and media change featured in latest PJR (2022)

By Pacific Media Watch Frontline investigative articles on Aotearoa New Zealand’s 23-day Parliament protester siege, social media disinformation and Asia-Pacific media changes and adaptations...

PNG Attitude: A farewell to eminent communicators

By Crosbie Walsh The highlights of a symposium at the Pacific Media Centre of the Auckland University of Technology on 1 December 2020 -- West...

‘That day I saw the power of media, and how it can be tragic’

By DAVID ROBIE Surprising that a conference involving some of the brightest minds in journalism education from around the world should be ignored by New...

Rainbow Warrior : 30 years on – author David Robie tells his story

Hayley Becht interviews David Robie David Robie is author of Eyes of Fire about the last voyage, and he carried on reporting on Asia-Pacific environmental,...

Talanoa: The complex notion of news in the Pacific

Brent Edwards looks at journalist and academic David Robie's scrutiny of the Pacific region's governance and journalism. Cartoon by David Pope By Brent Edwards David Robie...