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Archive: Rabuka stirs bitter media freedom row

Major-General Sitiveni Rabuka . . . from military coup leader to civilian politician. An
Major-General Sitiveni Rabuka . . . from military coup leader to civilian politician. An "ulterior motive" media invitation to New Zealand? Image: Matthew McKee/The Word

Former Fiji military strongman Major-General Sitiveni Rabuka is now deputy Prime Minister in the civilian interim government. As leader of the 1987 coups d’état, Rabuka closed newspapers and jailed journalists. Now an invitation for him to address a media convention in New Zealand has stirred a bitter controversy. Accusing the conference organisers of “abysmal judgment”, one newspaper contrasted their attitude towards Rabuka with the fate of the recent coup plotters in the Soviet Union who now face charges of treason.  

By David Robie in The Word

An invitation to Fiji coup leader Major-General Sitiveni Rabuka to be keynote speaker at a media convention in New Zealand next month [October, 1991] has plunged South Pacific newspapers and journalists into a bitter row over ethics and press freedoms.

Rabuka, who deposed the elected government of the late Prime Minister Dr Timoci Bavadra at gunpoint in 1987 and abrogated Fiji’s constitution, recently quit the military and was appointed to the interim government as co-deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs.

The Pacific Islands News Association — a regional organisation of media publishers, editors and broadcasters — invited the general to speak at its annual conference in Auckland on October 7-11.

Although the previous Labour government twice blocked attempts by Rabuka to visit New Zealand, the present National government has signalled warmer relations between New Zealand and Fiji. It declared there would be no opposition to a formal visa application by the general.

Foreign Minister Don McKinnon said that if Rabuka visited New Zealand he would be offered “the courtesies normally extended to a deputy prime minister”. New Zealand officials now regard the coup leader as a civilian politician. Fiji is due early next year to have a general election under a new republican constitution which is condemned by opponents as “racist and unjust”.

Pro-democracy expatriates living in New Zealand, and the anti-apartheid group Hart, are among movements that have protested against the planned visit. They threaten to mount demonstrations against Rabuka.

Several newspapers and journalists’ organisations have also harshly criticised the invitation. The Dominion published a scathing editorial, accusing PINA of “abysmal judgment” and “ignorance” and a New Zealand Herald report questioned what it called a possible “ulterior motive”.

Journalists jailed, harassed
The NZ Journalists and Graphic Press Union (Jagpro) said it was ironic that PINA had invited Rabuka when he represented a regime that had jailed, intimidated and harassed journalists in Fiji and arbitrarily restricted the entry of foreign journalists — including New Zealanders.

Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka
Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka in 2023 . . . Now a champion of free media and free speech. Image: Fijivillage

National secretary Tony Wilton said New Zealand journalists were effectively barred from Fiji and last year the independent radio news service Pacnews had been expelled from the country. Pacnews now operates from Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Wilton noted that “PINA is neither a New Zealand news organisation, as has been reported, nor is it affiliated with the International Federation of Journalists”.

Frank Senge, a leading Papua New Guinea journalist and president of the Pacific Journalists’ Association — representing working journalists throughout the region — said the the invitation showed “remarkable naivety”. He added that it would inevitably give credibility to the coup leader.

The PJA, founded two years ago, is supported by the Brussels-based International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which represents 150,000 journalists internationally, and its affiliates, Jagpro and the Australian Journalists’ Association.

Suva-based PINA defended its move, saying it was “ludicrous” to infer that it was in any way expressing approval of Rabuka’s role in the 1987 coups. Newspapers in Fiji also rallied to the defence of PINA. The Daily Post said that if Rabuka formally accepted the invitation, “it will be a coup in itself for PINA. It will also demonstrate his courage in standing up [for] what he believes in.”

Among PINA’s founders is former Fiji Times publisher Sir Leonard Usher, who was for many years a publicist for the establishment Alliance Party. Many members of the Alliance government defeated in the April 1987 general election — including present interim Prime Minister Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara — regained power throughout Rabuka’s coups.

House arrest
After Rabuka seized power on 14 May 1987, troops were ordered into the offices of Fiji’s two daily newspapers and their journalists were put under house arrest. Foreign journalists were harassed and detained their hotel rooms raided, tapes and notes seized. Radio broadcasts were censored.

The papers were shut again after the second coup four months later. One of the papers, the Hong Kong and New Zealand-owned  Fiji Sun, refused to publish again under censorship and closed. Since then Fiji journalists have faced being jailed without charge, threatened with government licensing of newspapers, and harassed by a zealous Minister of Information, Ratu Inoke Kubuabola.

Reports by the Pacific Journalists’ Association, Amnesty International and other organisations have cited examples of the harassment and intimidation. PINA has also played a role in defending press freedoms and in recent times the harassment has been less marked.

On one occasion, in 1988, the now retired editor of The Fiji Times, Vijendra Kumar, was arrested by soldiers and detained over a typographical error which upset Rabuka. A reporter of the paper was also jailed without charge.

Last month [August 1991], charges of “malicious fabrication” against the publisher of the Daily Post, Taniela Bolea and two staff journalists, were dropped. The journalists had been charged last October [1990] for publishing a news report about plans by students to burn copies of the republican constitution following the kidnapping and torture of Suva academic Dr Anirudh Singh by Fijian soldiers.

In July, a leading Tongan journalist, Matangi Tonga editor Pesi Fonua, was briefly detained in Fiji while travelling to Tonga from Vanuatu. This followed the two-day detention of an Australian Broadcasting Corporation television crew invited by the Fiji Rugby Union to broadcast an international match between the touring England team and Fiji.

The Dominion which has often published outspoken editorials condemning the regime in Fiji was the target of a $1 million libel lawsuit following an article harshly critical of Rabuka written by Wellington businessman Sir Robert Jones. In its recent editorial, the paper mocked a PINA spokesperson for defending the Rabuka invitation by saying that the association had a tradition of asking “outstanding” Pacific leaders to address it.

Government frogmarched
“Rabuka is outstanding first and foremost in being the first Pacific Islander to have overthrown a democratically elected government,” the paper said. “Perhaps PINA believes it is time to acknowledge the achievement of the man who led his guntoting, gasmasked soldiers into Fiji’s Parliament in May 1987 and frogmarched the the lawful government off into custody.”

“Likeminded spirits tried something similar in Moscow last month [August 1991] and all around the world the consensus was that it was the people who opposed them who were outstanding. The perpetrators face charges of treason. Rabuka is lucky, not outstanding.”

The Dominion said that perhaps PINA thought it was time to recognise Rabuka’s “brilliant” military career. In the first coup he sidelined two superior officers and then promoted himself from lieutenant-colonel to colonel. Then he rose to brigadier-general, a year later to major-general.”

The paper noted that Rabuka did not discriminate between the rights of Parliament and those of the Fourth Estate — “he savaged both”. It said it was not clear which of the outstanding achievements commended Rabuka most to PINA, but the organisation’s “abysmal judgment is”.

PINA’s president, Patteson Mae, replied in a statement that Rabuka had been invited because he “obviously is a controversial person whose actions had a profound lasting impact on modern Pacific Island affairs. Only blinkered people could fail to see that.”

The statement also attacked the New Zealand media, saying Rabuka’s attendance would give many New Zealand journalists an opportunity of interviewing him — an opportunity denied to them by restrictions placed by the Fiji government on the admission of foreign journalists, but also by the long and unfortunate marked reluctance of New Zealand media proprietors (with the praiseworthy exception of Television New Zealand and Radio New Zealand) to spend the money it would cost to enable their journalists to develop any serious consistent first-hand cover of Pacific Island affairs.

“Basically, it needs a hurricane or a coup of a free trip to draw the New Zealand journalists to the islands; a pathetic commentary on the media of the country that claims to know the Pacific Islands best.”

NZ media ‘ignorance’
Turning its attack to Jagpro, the statement said the union’s comments were “more evidence of the general Pacific Islands ignorance of a large part of the New Zealand media. Jagpro could easily correct that deficiency by joining or supporting PINA, as some other NZ media organisations have done, notably the Community Newspapers’ Association and the Commonwealth Press Union’s NZ section.”

Fiji Times acting editor Mosese Velia said PINA’s stand was based on the “classic Voltaire defence of freedom of speech . . . I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” He added in an editorial that the unfortunate thing about the condemnation was that it came from “so-called democratic forces — people you’d think would be the first to man the barricades against the enemies of free speech”.

A letter in the next day’s Times from Islands Business Pacific publisher Robert Keith-Reid and editor Peter Lomas praised the paper for its “excellent editorial”, adding,”you probably put it even better than [PINA] did”. Keith-Reid and Lomas also launched into a bitter personal attack on Times news editor Yashwant Gaunder, who is also secretary of the Pacific Journalists’ Association.

Accusing Gaunder of bias and lack of balance in a frontpage story about the controversy, the PINA pair said he should have declared his link with the PJA. “The so-called PJA purports to represent the ‘working’ journalists of the region and has given PINA executives the strong impression that it regards PINA people as opposition and not colleagues. Gaunder . . . has expressed less than complimentary views of PINA and some PINA members.”

The letter added:”We are so far compelled to regard the so-called PJA as being the naive and wistful product of outmoded Australian and New Zealand leftwing thinking.” An editor’s footnote rejected the bias allegations by Keith-Reid and Lomas. But the paper did not point out the undeclared vested interest of the two writers — Lomas has held executive office in PINA and is believed to have “ghosted” the statement replying to NZ media criticisms; both men are key PINA publicists.

Ironically, the following week, on September 13, a meeting of Fiji journalists unanimously approved the formation of the Fiji Journalists’ Association. Representatives from the Daily Post, Radio FM96, Radio Fiji, Fiji Times, Pacific Islands Monthly and freelance writers and photograhers attended the meeting — but nobody from Islands Business magazine. Th inaugural national executive was given a mandate to affiliate to the PJA and IFJ. Said secretary Asaeli Lave, who attended the recent Port Vila conference if the PJA: “We aim to look after the interests of working journalists in Fiji.”

Disagree with editorials
Many Fiji journalists disagree with the editorial view of both Suva newspapers defending the Rabuka invitation — the letters were written by indigenous Fijian editors, one of them widely regarded as an apologist for the regime.

Richard Naidu, a former senior Fiji Times journalist and winner of Fiji’s inaugural journalist of the year award in 1984, believes the controversy should never have arisen. He also says the Fiji papers have missed the point of New Zealand critics and PINA has reacted “defensively and unprofessionally” to the criticism.

“The issue is not about freedom of speech; the major-general appears able to exercise free speech in Fiji and could certainly do so in New Zealand. The issue is why New Zealand journalists should be content to see the major-general on their home turf when the major-general’s government is not content to see them in Fiji,” he said.

“There is one other basic matter here, which professional journalists have regard to in the debate between working journalists in New Zealand and a bosses’ organisation like PINA. In the dark days of 1987, when Fiji journalists were unable to to publish, their New Zealand colleagues, for all their flaws and faults, continued to do what every journalist is charged to do — that is, they got the story out.”

This article was first published in The Word, the official publication of the New Zealand Journalists and Graphic Process Union, September 1991, pp. 2 & 3. The Jagpro conference passed a resolution condemning the invitation to Major-General Sitiveni Rabuka to speak in New Zealand, and declared on the front page of paper: “Rabuka isn’t welcome here, says Jagpro”.

Archive: Journalists face grisly threats in Philippines

Edgar Cadagat with the coffin he received through the mail
Edgar Cadagat with the coffin he received through the mail: "I thought it was a bomb." Image: David Robie

On average seven journalists have been killed every year in the Philippines since Cory Aquino came to power. David Robie reports on a record of intimidation that is even worse than under the Marcos regime.

By David Robie in The Dominion

Death threats are all part of the job for Filipino journalist Edgar Cadagat. Bullets in the mail, “Your days are numbered” pamphlets, potshots and threatening phone calls are uncomfortably frequent.

Once, when the threats became too hot, Cadagat and his colleagues sandbagged the plate glass windows of their news agency office in Bocolod City on the central island of Negros.

But nithing has quite matched the Christmas “gift” Cadagat received in December. Arriving by special delivery from a private mail firm, he was immediately suspicious when the bulky looking envelope was put on his desk.

“I thought it was a bomb at first,” recalls Cadagat, a correspondent for international news agencies and a key official in the Union of Journalists of the Philippines. It turned out to be a cardboard miniature coffin.

"Journalists face grisly threats in Philippines"
“Journalists face grisly threats in Philippines”, The Dominion, 22 February 1991.

Archive: How PNG’s Mista Grasruts became Mr Clean

PNG's Grassroots strip
"Dia Mista Praim Minista Sir . . . fixing things up kwik, or you'll be sori!" Image: PNG's Grassroots Strip

Mista Grasruts (Grassroots), the funniest cartoon character in the South Pacific, is cutting down on his beer, drinking fruit juice and setting a moral example — like his creator. David Robie reports.

By David Robie

Grassroots made quite a name for himself the year he became a “big fella” politician and contested the elections in Papua New Guinea.

He wanted to have his own red carpet. If it was good enough for the Kwin, as he calls the Queen in Tok Pisin (pidgin), it was good enough for him too.

His “people’s independent party of grassrooters” manifesto had simple rules: no running off to other parties, no selling out to overseas interests for less than 700 kina (NZ$308), and one fifth of all bribe money to paid over to the party leader — himself!

Mista Grasruts gave rival politicians a torrid time — when he had a spell from his Six Mile Black Market — greasing the voters and strangely he wasn’t sued.

He was at his irreverent best with Misis Kwin. And Her Majesty loved it. So much so that a set of originals of the Grassroots Letters were sent to Buckingham Palace.

Mr Grassroots
Mista Grasruts . . . popular PNG personality, but didn’t get elected to Parliament. Image: Grassroots collection

Yet Mr Grassroots, arguably the most popular personality in the South Pacific, won only 325 votes in the 1982 election and failed to get his seat in the Papua New Guinean Parliament. (Much the same happened in 1987, too). But then he is only a cartoon character after all.

Had he been real, there is no doubt that the jovial, enterprising, scruffy, bearded and chain smoking Grassroots would be a remarkable political success in a country where politics revolves around personalities and patronage more than policies.

Hated or loved
Long a celebrity in the PNG Post-Courier, the biggest circulation newspaper [at the time] in Pacific island nations, Grassroots is either hated or loved. Few people fail to be moved strongly by him and his “wantok” (literally onetalk, or brother) friends.

He is a champion of the ordinary villager, or townsfolk, and their everyday lives and grievances.

When a European clergyman criticised Grassroots as the “subtle mockery of a warped colonialist’s mentality and the abusive shame” given to some Papua New Guineans, readers rallied to his defence.

Isuzu Lu
Isuzu Lu . . . the commercial early precursor for Papua New Guinea Motors to the character Grassroots. Image: Grassroots collection

“How come some people can’t see the funny side of things, to even laugh at ourselves?” a Highlands woman from Goroka wrote to the newspaper. “People with no sense of humour should not write such insulting letters.

“I’m rather proud of Roots, that the cartoonist can translate our lives so accurately on to paper. I’m not ashamed of it, neither do I find it abusive. I don’t think the cartoonist has that intent either. We find it entertaining without finding faults and having some weird ideas inside.

“Keep Grassroots in the paper, we love humour — it’s lacking in this crazed world. There’s enough bad feelings around.”

The Best of Grassroots 1980-81
The Best of Grassroots 1980-81. Image: Grassroots collection

Besides his exposure in the Post-Courier, Grassroots has built up a following through the rest of the Pacific through his cartoons in the Pacific Islands Monthly news magazine and other publications.

The creator
Who is Grassroots’ alter ego, his creator? He is softly spoken, beardless English artist Bob Browne who arrived in Papua New Guinea in 1971 and stayed [Editor’s note: he died in 2011].

On a two-week holiday in Morocco, Browne had faced Third World poverty for the first time. When he returned to London, he joined the the British aid agency Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO) and in 1971 was sent to Papua New Guinea where he went to work with the Catholic Mission as a photographer and designer with Wiriu Press.

English-born PNG cartoonist Bob Browne
English-born PNG cartoonist Bob Browne . . . the creator of Mr Grassroots. He died in 2011 leaving a remarkable legacy. Image: Grassroots collection

Browne produced his first cartoons for Wantok, the first (and only) Tok Pisin newspaper in the world, which was founded by Father Frank Mihalic.

About the same time he began doing his famous Izusu commercial cartoons, which eventually developed into the Grassroots theme.

“There was a rule a work that no English was to be spoken,” recalls Browne, “so I had to learn pidgin and out of necessity I became fluent in about six weeks.”

Grassroots also spoke pidgin most of the time when his cartoons first began appearing on 28 October 1980, but now he mainly speaks English (apart for a weekly educational strip in Tok Pisin).

The Grassroots Guide to PNG Pidgin. Image: Grassroots collection

“It’s a reflection that English is more commonly spoken these days, and also that many newspaper readers cannot speak pidgin,” says Browne.

Why the success?
Why is Grassroots, who was born by accident, so successful? Browne believes it is because he and his fellow cartoon characters — such as the saucepan-wielding Agnes and the smarty Charlie — feature “real Papua New Guinea people, saying real Papua New Guinea things”. The amusing sides of Papua New Guinea life result from “many cultures rubbing edge to edge so a lot of funny things happen”.

The Grassroots recipe for dealing with politicians
The Grassroots recipe for dealing with politicians in Papua New Guinea – and the Pacific. Image: Grassroots collection

As a cartoonist, Browne treads a fine line between saying something funny and making a point without unfairly savaging somebody.

“I appreciate that most politicians respond by laughing,” he says. “I think it is good for a country as a whole that people can laugh at themselves.”

Many readers have noticed big changes to the character of Grassroots in the last few years — especially in 1987 when he suddenly cut out smoking and began drinking orange juice more than beer. Post-Courier columnist Frank Senge analysed the changes recently, saying that Grassroots had taken to cleaning up his act.

“He has developed a gut, but that isn’t surprising. It is all the litres of beer he has been putting away instead of selling at his Six Mile Black Market. To be fair to the old guy, he isn’t that young anymore,” Senge said.

“His change in behavour is a little harder to place. he has grown almost media-shy. His language has improved dramatically. He has all but stopped drinking.

“I dare say he might be swapping his place at the Six Mile Black Market for a preacher’s pulpit!”

Shaved off his beard
In a recent cartoon, Grassroots shaved off most of his beard and told his mate, “Eh, Charlie . . . it’s me, Grass . . . your mate . . . don’t you recognise me?”

“Grass? Is that really you?” replies Charlie.

“Course it’s me. I know I look clean, but it’s still me . . . honest.”

Charlie: “How do I know for sure?”

Grassroots: “Lend me 10 bucks till next Friday!”

Charlie: “Em nau!! NOW I know it’s you!”

Perhaps the “clean up” isn’t so surprising considering there have been changes going on within the creator, too. Talk to Browne in his studio and you cannot help but notice the biblical quotations on the walls and his evangelical gleam.

Brown confesses that the changds in his life have influence his creation, that he has toned down the more obnoxious habits.

“In the early stages I wasn’t overly concerned about the effect the cartoon had on people. But I became more and more about a cartoon that blasphemed.”

And he felt he couldn’t glorify drunkenness, which had become a serious problem in Papua New Guinea.

A Grassroots strip
A Grassroots strip . . . before his “clean up”. Image: Grassroots collection

Several cartoonists
These days Browne employs several cartoonists, including a Papua New Guinean. And the strip is a small part of the Grassroots Comic Company’s output — they produce a popular Grassroots calendar, greeting cards and other art work.

Once they used to produce t-shirts as well but there was little profit in that. Several book collections of Grassroots cartoons have also been published.

And while the artists get on with their illustrations, Mr Grassroots carried on with his caustic advice for politicians. He wrote in one cartoon letter:

“Dia Mista Praim Minista Sir,

“Eh, this changing of the mind bisnis it’s not good wan, Bro . . .

“We wanting to make a dil, and we the biggest union in the whole PNG. We the Grassroots Union of Night Traders and we wanting 150 percent inkris on our pay starting neks wik.

“If you’re not fixing it up kwik we closing down all the bilak makets and other nitetime bisnis (you know the wan). Then you’ll be sori!

“Yours, Grass (pres.), G.R.U.N.T.”

This article was first published in New Zealand’s Dominion Sunday Times, 10 December 1990.

Archive: Tortured Fiji academic tells of his scars

Dr Anirudh Singh . . .
Dr Anirudh Singh . . . "They put a noose around my neck." Image: David Robie/Café Pacific Media

From Café Pacific 1990 archives: The abduction and torture of a scientist by soldiers has exposed a sinister side to the current ruling regime in Fiji. David Robie writes for The Dominion.

By David Robie in The Dominion

Soft-spoken and unassuming, Dr Anirudh Singh plays down his role in Fiji as civil rights activist. Recalling the events of the past two months that led to his abduction and torture, the Indo-Fijian academic seems remarkably surprised at the international publicity he has unleashed.

He is anxious to put things in perspective. “Ask me who am I? What am I? Nobody has asked me these things.

“I’m really a scientist. I wasn’t so interested in politics before this happened.”

It troubles him. Besides the brutal physical attack on him by soldiers, the scars left from the torture and the smear attempts by the “regime’s propagandists”, Dr Singh wants to put the record straight.

He isn’t from Britain, as some newspapers have said. He proudly says he is a Fijian citizen, now a University of the South Pacific lecturer; he was in Britain for just three years completing his doctorate in physics.

And he would like to return to Leicester University to complete his research into the atomic structure of solids using a new technology which involves the use of a particle accelerator.

But Dr Singh, due in Auckland to address a public meeting tonight [18 December 1990] about his ordeal and other human rights abuses in in Fiji, must wait until at least after January when he and six colleagues face charges of sedition and unlawful assembly.

‘Political interference’
Defence lawyers believe “political interference” is involved in the case and have filed an application for a High Court trial. A hearing will be on January 23 [1991].

Dr Singh’s lawyer Miles Johnson, a former Fiji Law Society president and an outspoken critic of the new constitution, regards the case as a test of the legality of the interim government.

“We are putting the case fairly and squarely that an accused cannot be guilty of sedition if the government itself is not legitimate,” he said. The military-backed government was installed after two coups in 1987.

Three journalists also face charges on January 30 of “maliciously fabricating” a report about further protests against the constitution. Their newspaper, the Fiji Daily Post, reported a plan by University of the South Pacific-based protest groups to burn further copies of the constitution.

This is believed to be the first time any prosecutions have been brought under the vaguely worded Section 15(a) of Fiji’s Public Order Act 1976 which declares: “Any person who . . . fabricates or knowingly spreads abroad or publishes, whether by writing or by word of mouth, or otherwise, any false news or false report tending to create or foster public alarm, public anxiety or disaffection, or to result in the detriment of the public . . . shall be guilty of an offence.”

The three Post journalists — publisher Taniela Bolea, chief subeditor Robert Wendt and reporter Subash Verma — face a maximum penalty of one year in jail or a fine of F$1000 if found guilty.

News media sources in Suva say the arrests could be part of a campaign by the interim government to close down the indigenous Fijian-owned newspaper because its outspokenness has become an “irritant” to the regime.

‘Prisoners of conscience’
A report to the human rights group Amnesty International has warned that the accused activists and journalists would be considered “prisoners of conscience” if found guilty and jailed.

“We are certainly keen to protect human rights on our doorstep,” Amnesty’s New Zealand executive director, Colin Chiles, said. Amnesty considers the so-called “Constitution 10” have been charged over the nonviolent exercise of their constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom of expression, assembly and association.

Interviewed by phone in Canberra, Dr Singh said he had no regrets about the symbolic burning of the new republican Fiji constitution at a protest rally during the Hindu festival of Diwali on October 13.

“It won’t even burn,” one of the about 100 protesters shouted at the time amid cries of “Azadi” (freedom). The burning incident sparked of the kidnapping.

“It was a spontaneous event, but we’re not apologising for it,” Dr Singh said. “We have a right to freely express our views against the racial discrimination of the constitution.”

The adductors drove Dr Singh to the Colo-I-Suva rainforest area on the outskirts of the capital Suva where they held him for 11 hours. He alleged that he was tortured by three of the soldiers while being interrogated about his political activities.

According to an Amnesty International report, Dr Singh said his captors covered his head with a hood, looped a rope around his neck which they tied to his feet, and bound both of his hands and feet.

Burned with cigarettes
Then the kidnappers beat him on his face, chest and arms. Later, when the hood had been removed from his head, Dr Singh’s hair was roughly cut and some of it was burned with lighted cigarettes.

While his hands were still bound, his captors held them against the base of a tree and beat them repeatedly with a steel pipe as they questioned him about the identities and addresses of other protesters.

Finally freed at 8pm, Dr Singh staggered to safety. He was taken to Suva’s Colonial War Memorial Hospital where he was treated for broken bones in his hands and multiple wounds and bruises on other parts of his body.

Dr Singh has also received further treatment in Australia and is still unable to make a fist with his hands.

Amnesty twice wrote to the interim Prime Minister, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, on October 24 and 29 expressing concern about the kidnapping and torture of Dr Singh. However, the regime replied there was “no evidence to suggest the involvement of police or military personnel”.

With his second response, on October 30, the regime confirmed that a police investigation had been launched immediately after the abduction. But it made no mention of the arrest of five soldiers — a captain and four corporals — on the same day.

The soldiers, including Captain Sotia Ponijiase, who had reportedly received Special Air Service training in Britain and New Zealand, pleaded guilty to abduction and grievious bodily harm charges. On November 22 they were given one year suspended jail sentences and fined $170 each.

Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit accused
Adi Kuini Bavadra, leader of the Fiji Labour Party-led Coalition, accused the Fiji military’s Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit with having organised the abduction.

Condemning the abduction and the torture, the Daily Post also protested over the arrest of its journalists involved in the affair.

The newspaper said the arrests seriously challenged the freedom of the press. “The worrying thought that emerges here is if the police action is the possible start of suppression of this freedom . . . While the Post men were in custody, the real culprits (burners of the constitution and Dr Singh’s bashers) were still at large.

“Someone appears to be barking up the wrong tree.”

Dr Singh is under no illusions. He believes he was driven to take part in the constitution protest because freedom of speech is stifled under the regime and the news media operates under conditions of strict self-censorship.

“The Daily Post has been the bravest of the media and the consequences are upon it now,” he said. “We have been totally frustrated by our lack of freedom of expression.”

‘Behave or else’
Since the constitution burning and the abduction, the regime has clamped down even harder.

“After I was tortured, the military visited the newspaper offices and seized pictures that showed me with my injuries. The staff were told in effect to behave or else.”

Dr Singh condemns the atmosphere of racial hatred and animosity encouraged by the regime. He says he now feels like a marked man for daring to speak out.

“The worst thing about it is that things have got so worked up that I might be attacked in the street by ordinary people who recognise my picture in the paper.”

This article was first published by New Zealand’s The Dominion, 18 December 1990. An expanded account of human rights violations in post-coup Fiji was published in David Robie’s 2014 book Don’t Spoil My Beautiful Face: Media, Mayhem and Hum Rights in the Pacific (Little Island Press). In 1991, Dr Anirudh Singh wrote a book about his ordeal called Silent Warriors. He sued the five soldiers who abducted him and the Fiji Attorney-General and after a 13-year delay, on 1 November 2006, the High Court of Fiji ruled in his favour.

The full Fiji "tortured academic" article in The Dominion, 18 December 1990
The full Fiji “tortured academic” article in The Dominion, 18 December 1990.

Archive: Bougainville: New Zealand’s part in a guerilla war


New Zealanders played a critical part in a flash-point that ignited a guerilla war threatening the economy and stability of Papuas New Guinea. David Robie examines the New Zealand connection and the conflict centred on Bougainville island – a far-flung and troubled part of Papua New Guinea.

By David Robie in Sunday Magazine

Martin Ward
Martin Ward: “The truth is that there is an environmental mess.”

It is a bitter, stormy meeting at the Bougainville township of Panguna — site of one of the world’s largest open-cut copper mines. Finally, Francis Ona, soon to be a rebel leader with a $380,000 price tag on his head, marches up to Wellington environmentalist Martin Ward. he thusts his face menacingly in front of Ward and points to the altar crucifix. “Em big fella kilim i dai,” he hisses in Tok Pisin. “Mipela nogat likem report bilong yu, mipela kilim yu dai.” Ona draws his finger across his throat in case Ward misses the point.

Blood on their Banner: Nationalist Struggles in the South Pacific (1989)

French riot police confront Kanak protesters at Mont Ravel
French riot police confront Kanak protesters at Mont Ravel in Noumea, 1984. © David Robie

By David Robie

Blood On Their Banner
Blood on their Banner (Zed Books/Pluto Press edition), 1989

“The South Pacific is no longer pacific. Nationalist struggles against colonialism, indigenous claims for sovereignty, and superpower rivalry have turned it into a zone of growing tension. David Robie, a New Zealand journalist covering the region for the past decade, provides a devastating expose of the political forces which have shaken the South Pacific over the past few years.

“He also argues that the policies of France, Indonesia and the United States pose the gravest threat to the stability of the region.

“The author describes the liberation struggle of New Caledonia’s Kanaks to end French rule; the fate of President Remeliik of Belau, an island with the world’s first nuclear-free constitution; the pressures on Vanuatu as a result of its opposition to nuclear weapons; Indonesia’s two “forgotten wars” in East Timor and  West Papua; and the coup which has divided the two communities of Fiji.

“Graphic accounts include the massacres of Hienghène and Ouvéa, the siege of Thio and the assassination of Ëloi Machoro – regarded by some as the Che Guevara of the South Pacific.” – Zed Books, London, United Kingdom

“As Robie makes clear in this eloquent book, the South Pacific is far from pacific.”Ross Fitzgerald, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 29, 1990 (Australia)

“I have read all of the Robie books I ordered. They are all excellent and deal with a neglected area of the world – the Pacific Small Island States. I have ordered the books now because I plan to teach a course at postgraduate level on Decolonisation and Self Determination in the Post-Globalisation Era: Lessons from the Pacific.”  — Clarence Dias.

Blood On Their Banner
Blood on Their Banner (Malaya Books edition, Philippines), 1990

David Robie is a New Zealand author, journalist and media educator specialising in Asia-Pacific affairs. He is founding director of the AUT Pacific Media Centre and editor of Pacific Scoop, Asia Pacific Report, Pacific Media Watch and PMC Online.

He was on board the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior bombed by French secret agents in 1985 and his book about that fateful voyage to the Marshall Islands is called Eyes of Fire.

A sequel in 2014, Don’t Spoil My Beautiful Face: Media, Mayhem and Human Rights in the Pacific (Little Island Press), are among his many other books. David’s media blog is Cafe Pacific.

Dr Robie was awarded New Zealand’s 1985 Media Peace Prize for his reporting of the voyage and the subsequent sabotage of the Greenpeace vessel.

Archive: Shattered coups – the other way

University of the South Pacific author and academic Dr Robert Robertson
University of the South Pacific author and academic Dr Robert Robertson with the smuggled manuscripts from Fiji. Image: John Selkirk/The Dominion

Harassment, intimidation and exile failed to silence two authors, a Fijian and a New Zealander, who claim to expose the ‘truth’ about Brigadier Sitiveni Rabuka’s 1987 military putsch in Fiji. DAVID ROBIE reports.

By David Robie in The Dominion Sunday Times

University of the South Pacific author and academic Dr Robert Robertson
University of the South Pacific author and academic Dr Robert Robertson
Shattered coups – the other way, The Dominion Sunday Times, May 15, 1988.

Archive: The Fijian feudal connection

The Fijian feudal connection
The Fijian feudal connection, The Dominion, 4 September 1987

After two false starts, Fiji’s rival former prime ministers finally get together for vital talks over the country’s future. David Robie assesses their chances.

After a few weeks of optimism over reports that Fiji’s former prime ministers were burying their hatchets and agreeing to discuss a government of national unity to take over from the military-backed regime, the hopes have been dampened.

Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, architect of Fijian independemnce and leader of the country for 17 years, and the man who ousted him in the April 1987 general election, Dr Timocy Bavadra, are still expected to have talks today.

The Fijian feudal connection
The Fijian feudal connection, The Dominion, 4 September 1987

Archive: Fiji 1987: ‘Sit down everybody. This is a takeover!’

"Sit down everybody. This is a takeover" - Sitiveni Rabuka's first coup in Fiji, 14 May, 1987. Image: New Outlook (June/July edition)

Fiji: Countdown to a coup

ANALYSIS: By David Robie in New Outlook

Sakeasi Butadroka fingers his trademark blood-red bow-tie and laughs: “This represents the blood of Christ that flowed from the cross on Cavalry.” He says it also represents the danger facing indigenous Fijians and the sacrifices they are prepared to make.

A Methodist lay preacher and poultry farmer who exudes charm and good humour in spite of the firmness of his beliefs, “Buta” was the man responsible for the brief downfall of Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara’s Alliance government in the first of two general elections in 1977.  Unashamedly campaigning along racial lines, he also had a hand in the final ousting of Ratu Mara after 17 years in power in April 1987; his Fijian Nationalist Party gained enough ethnic Fijian votes to help the new multiracial Coalition government win office.

Butadroka’s controversial political career appeared to have ended after a heavy defeat in 1982, but he did not waiver in his struggle to change the Fiji Constitution and give ethnic Fijians exclusive rights to lead the country. He advocated “thinning out” the Indo-Fijian population by encouraging migration. “The nationalist ideal will live on — it will never wither like a flower,” he remarked, prophetically, during the election campaign. “Those who say we are finished are nothing but fools.”

Following the defeat of Mara, however, a group of hardline Alliance Party leaders, Butadroka’s opponents, also adopted a nationalist policy — a policy which last month led to the biggest protest rallies ever seen in Fiji, with barricades and firebomb attacks against prominent Indo-Fijians, and finally to a rightwing military coup.

Does Butadroka regret lighting the racial fuse? No. At least, not until Lieutenant-Colonel Sitiveni “Steve” Rabuka — also a Methodist lay preacher — deposed the Coalition government and imposed martial law.

“Why do you think I’ve been campaigning all these years?” he said before the coup. “I’ve had one objective: to get rid of the Mara government so that Fijians would realise they are in danger. Now the fight has begun, I am happy.”

But standing outside Parliament Buildings, stunned, after the May 14 takeover, he said: “No, no . . . The bastards cannot do it like this. They’ll destroy democracy forever. This is a tyranny. Blame Ratu Mara for this. Where is the Judas?” Police hustled him away.

Butadroka, who was jailed under the Public Order Act for “incitement” in 1977, has always advocated constitutional changes through democratic means. The Taukei (indigenous) Movement used to claim that Butadroka was anti-Indian while it was pro-Fijian, but the movement’s recent actions have been more extremist than Butadroka’s nationalists ever were.

More than a racial struggle, the Taukei attempts at destabilising the Coalition government and then the coup were part of a three-stage strategy for the Alliance Party to seize back power at all costs. The speed with which the coup came after the protests had lost steam has prevented prosecution cases expected against several Alliance ministers for corruption and misappropriation of public funds.

“The Coalition government was perceived to be dangerous by the Alliance and had to be overthrown,” says a University of the South Pacific historian, “because it was a challenge to the existing power structure and was crossing the racial barriers.”

"Sit down everybody, this is a takeover"
“No photos” An angry Fijian soldier points to a photographer outside The Fiji Times office. Image: Matt McKee/New Outlook

Constitutional storm
Dr Timoci Uluivuda Bavadra, in a white shirt, tie and sulu, had been relaxed in spite of the constitutional storm blowing around him — until he was put under house arrest. “Doc”, as the 52-year-old former civil servant is known to friends and party stalwarts, had slipped into the role of Prime Minister with ease and was approaching his task with the air of a physician with a kindly bedside manner.

Some now say too kindly. He was under pressure from several of his cabinet colleagues to take a hard line against the dissidents. But Dr Bavadra regarded reports of the extent of the opposition as exaggerated. Still, the day after the Lautoka firebombings he began to take harsher action. A day-long emergency meeting reviewed security.

Three days before the coup, key Taukei leader and former Works Minister Apisai Tora, widely regarded, like Colonel Rabuka, as a front man for the Alliance, was arrested by police and charged with “sedition and inciting racial antagonism”. Senator Jona Qio was also charged with arson over the Lautoka firebombings the day before the coup.

Prosecutions for corruption against other previous Alliance ministers were expected to follow.

Deposed elected Prime Minister Dr Timoci Bavadra
Deposed elected Prime Minister Dr Timoci Bavadra . . . approached his task with the air of a physician with a kindly bedside manner. Image: Matthew McKee/New Outlook

Shortly before the coup, Dr Bavadra’s cabinet heard a report from the police special branch about the presence of two CIA agents in Fiji. Cabinet opinion was divided on whether the agents should be expelled.

Sources close to the Prime Minister said Rabuka was seen playing golf with the two men and Ratu Mara the Sunday before the coup, only a week after the United State Ambassador to the United Nations, General Vernon Walters, a former director of the CIA, visited Suva. Walters has been described by New Statesman magazine as “having been involved in overthrowing more governments than any other official serving the US government”. The diplomat had talks with Foreign Minister Krishna Datt and would have reported to Washington on his assessment of the minister and the government’s non-aligned policies.

Dr Bavadra, the sources said, also summoned the US ambassador to his office and complained that US aid funds had been used to help the Taukei Movement. The Australian-owned Emperor Gold Mines company was also accused of providing buses to help transport Fijian protesters to anti-government rallies.

Dr Bavadra had earnestly defended his government, saying it wqs “unthinkable” that he consider sacrificing the welfare of ethnic Fijians. He  was saddened that dissidents suggested he would allow the government to put the welfare of Fijians at risk.

“We have been elected on a platform of improving the lives of all Fijians, not just one race  and not just a ruling elite,” he said. “Lack of housing, poverty and poor wages should not be blamed on racial grounds.”

His government gained power on promises to improve social welfare, education, health and housing, and to eliminate corruption. But the way to do this, he argues, is through fairer distribution of the country’s wealth and better use of government resources. Dr Bavadra allocated the sensitive public service, Fijian affairs and home affairs portfolios to himself. Another Fijian, Mosese Volavola, became Lands Minister.

‘Let us not yield . . . let us not tarnish the image of tolerance.’

— Dr Timoci Bavadra

Dr Bavadra also pointed out that his government was elected by a five percent swing among ethnic Fijians away from the Alliance — mainly educated Fijians, particularly women, and young, underprivileged urban Fijians. Two nationalist candidates were declared bankrupt when counting began, but the Nationalist Party’s high polling split the Fijian vote in four crucial Suva electorates to boost the Coalition victory.

“Fiji needs this government to develop our maturity as a nation,” says Health and Social Welfare Minister Dr Satendra Nandan, 48, a poet and former literature lecturer at the University of the South Pacific. “It is vital for our peaceful future to show that a real multiracial government can run Fiji, we cannot keep brushing racial issues under the carpet.”

Dr Nandan, who had been tipped as likely Foreign Minister (Fiji Labour Party secretary-general Datt got the job instead), is fiercely critical of how the Alliance exploited racial fears during the campaign. “It tried racism, but we have broken the Alliance’s back on this issue,” he says. “It also tried scaremongering over land. When it failed to shoot holes in our domestic policies, it switched to foreign affairs — and it thinks the Fijian people are gullible.”

The Fiji Sun bitterly attacked the emotive smears used by the protesters, blaming them for worsening race relations. Rival Fiji Times, while conceding the Constitution was open for improvement, said it would “not be by brute force, threats or other illegal means”. (Both of Fiji’s daily newspapers are foreign-owned — the Sun by a New Zealand-Hong Kong owned company and the Times by Rupert Murdoch’s Herald and Weekly Times Ltd.)

Although several high chiefs condemned the protests, Ratu Mara’s failure to do so drew severe criticism and heightened suspicions about direct Alliance involvement, even though the party denied it.

When Ratu Mara surfaced as Foreign Minister in the military regime’s provisional government, it was widely believed that he was among the Alliance leaders who instigated the coup. Denials by Mara and Rabuka were unconvincing; the colonel needed the backing of the Alliance to stage the coup.

During at least one press conference, Colonel Rabuka was clearly being “coached” by the military regime’s Development Minister Peter Stinson and Information Minister Dr Ahmed Ali, both previous Alliance ministers concerned about the Coalition’s pledge to open the financial books.

Both of Mara’s former deputy prime ministers, Ratu David Toganivalu — regarded as the “Mr Clean” of the previous Alliance administration — and Mosese Qionibaravi, would have nothing to do with the military regime.

Among the Taukei leaders, besides Apisai Tora, is a rightwing trade unionist, Taniela “Big Dan” Veitata. A former member of the Fijian Nationalist Party, Veitata is regarded by many as a particular virulent racist.

“A new form of colonialism has been imposed on us, not from outside but from within our own country by those who arrived here with no rights and were given full rights by us — the taukei,” says Tora. But while Tora claims Dr Bavadra was a “puppet and a prisoner” of thw Indians, allegations are being made that Tora himself is a front for covert interference by the United States. When the new government took office, documents were found which purportedly linked Tora with American backing.

The “puppet” allegations against Dr Bavadra were based in his quick evelation of lawyer Jai Ram Reddy to the Senate and appointment as Attorney-General and Justice Minister. Reddy was an astute former opposition leader but he resigned from Parliament three years ago after a series of bitter clashes over what he considered to be the dictatorial style of Speaker Tomasi Vakatora. However, Reddy was the National Federation Party’s architect of the merger with the Fiji Labour Party and it was widely expected that he would be rewarded with a cabinet post.

Like Butadroka and Rabuka, Tora wants the Constitution to be amended so that only Fijians are elected to Parliament and to replace the Senate with an upper house based on the powerful, traditional Great Council of Chiefs, rather like Britain’s House of Lords. As Butadroka puts it: “We should follow Ghandi and Nehru in India: they told the British to get out of Parliament but have a free reign in business.”

Protected Fijian land rights
The so-called Indian problem began on 14 May 1979, when 489 Indians arrived as indentured labourers to work in the British-run sugar-cane fields. Just five years earlier, through a Deed of Cession — rather like the Treaty of Waitangi — signed by 13 high chiefs, the 320 islands which make up Fiji had become a British colony. One condition of the deed was that while property fairly acquired by European settlers at the time could be retained by them, Fijian rights to the rest of the fertile land should be protected.

These two events more than a century ago are at the heart of the present dispute. Descendants of those 489 Indians, joined by others over the following 37 years at the rate of about 2000 a year, now outnumber the indigenous Fijians, both within the 715,000 population and in Parliament. Forty-eight percent of the people are now Indo-Fijian, 46 percent Fijian (the higher birthrate means they will overtake Indians by 1990) and the rest “general”, or Europeans, Chinese and part-European. Nineteen of the Coalition’s 28 MPs are Indian.

In theory, Ratu Mara’s Alliance was a coalition of three parties: the Fijian Alliance, the Indian Alliance and the General Electors Association. After the Suva protests, however,two senior Indian Alliance officials quit and called on the other Indians to abandon the party.

Party general secretary Naresh Prasad said the protests had ruined the Alliance’s commitment to multiracialism and tolerance: “I get the feeling Fijians actually hate my guts yet they smile to keep my support.”

Britain’s departing colonial masters created a system of government which ensured each of the three major founding ethnic groups would be represented and any party or coalition forming the government would have substantial support from at least two of the three communities. Adapted from a Westminster-style democracy, the result is probably the world’s most complex electoral system. Each Fijian elector is represented by four members — two from that voter’s ethnic background and two which must not be from that community.

Parliament’s 52 seats are divided into two main categories and then into three sub-categories, making a total of six classes of seats — 25 national and 27 communal. Voters from all ethnic groups elect the national MPs while only specific ethnic communities elect communal MPs. The seats are broken down as: Fijian national 10, Indian national 10, general national 5, Fijian communal 12, Indian communal 12, general communal 3. To make the situation even more complicated, the six classes of seats overlap geographically.

Indigenous land 83 percent
Land distribution is fundamental to politics in Fiji. Under the Constituton, indigenous Fijians are guaranteed ownership of almost 83 percent of the land. Such Fijian land is inalienable and is owned collectively by the mataqali (clan). About 80 percent of the remaining freehold land is owned by Europeans, while the 350,000 Indians have freehold rights over only about 1.7 percent.

Nearly 120,000 hectares of Fijian land is leased, 75 percent of it to Indians — who naturally would prefer to own it. The Coalition government promised during the election campaign to open up more land for productive use, to “lease crown land to all citizens”.

But the government was also careful to stress that it recognised Fijian land ownership rights, and said no change would be considered “without the full consultation and approval of the Great Council of Chiefs. The Coalition is committed to uphold, protect and safeguard the ownership rights of people over their land and private assets as guaranteed under the Constitution and other laws of Fiji”.

The Alliance’s election campaign capitalised on Fijian fears over their land and tried to portray the Coalition as “communist” with a secret agenda designed to strip people pf their hand and hand it to the Indo-Fijians. Even if the allegations were without foundation, they have struck a responsive chord with some Fijians. “It is neocolonialism by Indians,” says “Big Dan” Veitata. “Unless we stop it now, we will be no better off than the kanaks in New Caledonia, the Australian Aborigines and the New Zealand Māori.”

There are many prosperous gujerati (Indian businessmen), but Fijian business is still dominated by foreign — mainly Australian, New Zealand and local European — ownership. And many of the poorest people in Fiji are Indian squatters or jobless.

1987 Fiji coup leader Lieutenant-Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka
1987 Fiji coup leader Lieutenant-Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka . . . a “hit list” of 300 people regarded as founders or sympathisers of the Labour Party. Image: Matthew McKee/New Outlook

However, the Indian community dominates the sugar-growing industry which is the mainstay of the Fijian economy. Nearly all the crop produced by Indians is grown on land leased from native landlords on the basis of limited tenure.

Ideally, the Indian community would like to have increased land rights, or, failing that, a greater security of tenure on leased land. Fijians, however, stubbornly stick to the traditional system of land distribution, the basis of their hold on power.

‘We’ll give them six months and then we’ll take over.’

— Lieutenant-Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka

In the late 1950s, there were barely 130 children of Fijian-Indian marriages. Since then the segregation of the races practised by the colonial administration through legal decrees has largely disappeared. Mixed marriages are now more common and mixed-race children more numerous than a generation ago. Figures are difficult to establish because children in Fijian-Indian marriages and relationships are not regarded as a separate category.

The colonial administration segregated living areas for the different racial groups. For example, in Suva, Vatuwaqa, Samabula and the Signal Station were reserved for Indians while areas like Toorak, the Domain and Tamavua Heights were for white settlement. Draiba was for Indian civil servants. This was coupled with a policy that non-indigenous races were barred from living in Fijian villages.

“The British practised a form of dictatorship from 1875 to 1963,” says Dr Vijay Naidu, a University of the South Pacific sociologist. “From 1904, whites had representation in the legislature and Indians were represented by nomination in 2016 and by election in 1929. The governor and the official members could veto any resolutions of the elected representatives. Indigenous Fijians voted for the first time in 1963. This was not all, “democracy” as practised in Fiji meant that Europeans, though numerically a minority, had parity with the other ethnic categories.”

According to Dr Naidu, the friction between Fijian and Indo-Fijian is highly exaggerated: “For black labour in Fiji, the owners and managers of transnational corporations, who are largely white, constitute the main antagonists.” He also says that the general electors (voters who are neither Fijian or Indian) have traditionally been the most racial in their voting, something hardly remarked on by foreign or even local journalists.

Blood On Their Banner
Blood on their Banner (Zed Books/Pluto Press edition), 1989

However, in spite of his comments, Dr Naidu found himself on the military regime’s “hit list” of about 30 people regarded as founders or sympathisers of the Labour Party. He went into hiding when police arrested two people wrongly identified as him.

“Fijians opposing the Coalition are led by those who have lost their privileges by being ousted — it is political rather than racial,” says Dr Tupeni Baba, a flamboyant university lecturer who became Education Minister. “The Alliance wanted a less open government than ours, judging from its failed attempts to prosecute people who delved into its actions and from the way it shielded itself from the media. It suffers from a fortress complex.”

Timeline of a coup
Saturday, April 11, 1987: A tropical beeze tugs at the coconut palms along the waterfront of the capital, Suva. Week-long polling in Fiji’s fifth general election since independence has just ended and there is excitement in the air. Supporters of the Fiji Labour Party-led Coalition with the Indian-led National Federation Party sense victory.

At Ratu Mara’s official residence in Veuito there is anger and disbelief. “These people cannot govern,” say several Alliance leaders. “We’ll give them six months and then we’ll take over.” Already Alliance activists meeting in the urban ghetto of Raiwaqa have begun plotting how to destabilise the future government.

Sunday, April 12: Labour’s Dr Timoci Bavadra, a man who had never sat in Parliament, claims victory before the final figures: 28 seats to 24. After an address to the nation on Radio Fiji that night, Dr Bavadra shares a bowl of yaqona with well-wishers, including New Zealand High Commisionetr Rod Gates at the modest clapboard headquarters of the Fiji Labour Party.

Monday, April 13: Dr Bavadra is sworn in as Prime Minister and meets, one by one, the chairman of the Public Service Commission, the commissioner of police and the commander of the Royal Fiji Military Forces. (In 1977, when the Indian opposition won the first election but were unable to form a government, none of these crucial services would cooperate with it.) Doubt still remains about the Fijian-dominated military.

In his first pres conference as Prime Minister, Dr Bavadra pledges to introduce a New Zealand-style ban on nuclear warships and attacks the Australian and United States claims  of Libyan and Soviet threats in the region, saying he cannot see any evidence. He confirms Fiji will follow an “active non-aligned” foreign policy.

Tuesday, April 14: Honouring his pledge of a racially “balanced” government, Dr Bavadra reduces the cabinet from 17 to 14 members and names seven Indo-Fijians, six Fijians and one minister representing “general electors” (European or mixed race).The previous Alliance government was dominated by indigenous Fijians.

Dr Bavadra flies to the chiefly island of Bali to pay his respects to the former Governor-General, Ratu Sir George Cakobau, a paramount chief. When he became Labour Party leader two years ago, Dr Bavadra had visited Cakobau to seek his support in trying to win over the Fijian villages, the traditional stronghold of the Alliance Party.

Easter: Angry Fijian villagers set up barricades near the the northern town of Tavua on the main island of Viti Levu, demanding the Coalition government be ousted. A meeting of 3000 Fijians in Viseisei, Dr Bavadra’s home village in western Viti Levu, protests against the government.

Apisai Tora, a former Lands Minister in the Alliance government, accuses the new administration of “dispossessing Fijians in their own country”. He attacks the assigning of key commerce, finance, foreign affairs and justice portfolios to Indo-Fijians. The meeting votes to freeze land leases to non-Fijians.

Dr Bavadra, who is accused of being a puppet of the Indians, condemns illegal protests and “any attempts to destabilise Fijian society”. But the government remains cautious, anxious to avoid racial strife.

Friday, April 24: Between 5000 and 8000 Fijians state a peaceful anti-government protest rally in Suva, the biggest demonstration in Fijian history. Racist slogans include “Fiji fr the Fijians”, “Stop this Indian government”, “Fiji now little India — say no!” and “Out with foreign puppets”. Protest leaders petition the Governor-General, Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau, with a demand that the Constitution be changed to guarantee Fijian control in the country.

Dr Bavadra warns Fijians in na national radio broadcast not to allow a “disgruntled few” to sabotage the country. “Let us not yield . . . let us not tarnish the image of tolerance and goodwill for which Fiji is renowned,” he says. “Where is the justice and reason in trying to destabilise and remove a government as soon as it has been elected?”

Don't Spoil My Beautiful Face
Don’t Spoil My Beautiful Face (Little Island Press), 2014.

Sunday, May 3: Police and military forces are put on alert after a Molotov cocktail explodes in the law offices of Justice Minister Jai Ram Reddy in the western city of Lautoka. Four nearby Indian businesses are firebombed at the same time. Shortly after the fires, police detain Senator Jina Qio, one of the Suva protest organisers, and release him after four hours of questioning. (He is later charged.)

Friday, May 8: Anti-government organisers claim at least 30,000 Fijians will blockade the opening of Parliament. However, the government refuses to grant a permit for a legal protest and only about 1000 people picket the opposition Alliance lobby rooms. But that is enough to prevent all but five Alliance MPs being sworn in. A rebel Alliance MP, Militoni Leweniqala, is elected by the House as Speaker and he is immediately banned from the Alliance caucus. More destabilisation threats are made but the Bavadra government appears to be weathering the storm.

Thursday, May 14: Ten soldiers wearing gasmasks and armed with pistols burst into the parliamentary chamber. Sitting in the public gallery, Lieutenant-Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka rises, moves toward Dr Bavadra and orders: “Sit down everybody. This is a takeover!”

The soldiers abduct Dr Bavadra and 26 of his MPs at gunpoint, herding them into military trucks to take them to detention. Heads of the military and police forces are deposed, the Constitution suspended and the colonel forms a provisional council of ministers.

The Governor-General, Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau, declares a state of emergency and refuses to recognise the military regime as Australia, Britain and New Zealand exert pressure for a return to constitutional democracy.

Tuesday, May 19: After five days of intense pressure from Colonel Rabuka for the vice-regal seal on his military regime, Ganilau still refuses to endorse the junta. He orders the dissolution of Parliament and return to barracks for Rabuka’s soldiers, and he calls for a new election.

David Robie was one of only two New Zealand journalists to cover the fateful 1987 election  in Fiji and he correctly predicted the election of the Fijian Labour Party-led coalition to power. He also covered the post-coup period and later, as head of journalism at the University of the South Pacific, led a group of student journalists in their award-winning coverage of the May 2000 George Speight coup. His early Fiji coup coverage was summarised in his 1989 book Blood on their Banner: Nationalist Struggles in the South Pacific and his Speight coup coverage was included in a 2014 sequel, Don’t Spoil My Beautiful Face: Media, Mayhem and Human Rights in the Pacific. This article was published in the June/July 1987 edition of New Outlook magazine, pp. 22-29.

Archive: Poisoned Reign – bringing us up to date about ‘merciless’ France’s nuclear hostages in the Pacific

Poisoned Reign
Poisoned Reign . . . the updated edition of Moruroa, Mon Amour.

REVIEWS: By David Robie

When it first appeared in 1977 under the title Moruroa, Mon Amour, the Danielsson’s book was a damning indictment of French nuclear colonialism in the Pacific. For France, it had the effect of whipping up a tsunami, a tidal wave of hostile public opinion, that the French-language edition (Stock, 1974) was unable to achieve.

Poisoned Reign cover
Poisoned Reign.

More than any writers, the Danielssons have exposed the arrogant and cynical way that a succession of French governments and leaders fron Charles de Gaulle on, have exploited the Tahitian people and their culture for a fallacy based on the force de frappe.

Now their revised edition, Poisoned Reign, which adds a further none chapters and an epilogue on “Underwatergate”, brings us up to date about France’s nuclear hostage  in Polynesia.

Among one of the more moving passages is a statement by Ian Mana Te Nunaa leader Jacqui Drollet: “Our land,” he says, “has changed hands, we have sold it for a dream. Our power of decision has been taken from us and all we have got in exchange are a few social welfare benefits.

“Our society has become tough, cruel, merciless, and we are dominated by a new desire to make individual profits. To continue along this road is sheer nuclear prostitution.”

This edition includes a foreword by Chris Masters, who produced an award-winning television documentary, French Connections. Viewed in exclusion, the Rainbow Warrior affair does seem bizarre,” he observes.  “Viewed, however, in the context of French Polynesian history as revealed in this book, it is not surprising.

“The vile treatment by France of the Tahitian autonomist Pouvanaa a Oopa is no less shocking than the killing of Fernando Pereira.”

American Lake cover
American Lake.

Also from Penguin Australia, is American Lake, a detailed exposé of the state of the Soviet and United States nuclear stand-off in the Pacific. It warns that recent changes in superpower military strategy and force deployments have made it just as likely that World War III could break out in the Pacific as in Europe or the Middle East.

The authors, researchers with Nautilus Pacific Research, have spent several years compiling this long awaited wealth of information. They make telling use of previously undisclosed and formerly classified Pentagon files obtained under the US Freedom of Information Act.

They highlight the “deadly connection” between nuclear and conventional weaponry, “which is central to fully comprehending the nuclear power in the Pacific”.

The vast size and power of the US Pacific Command is explained and the authors conclusively reject US rhetoric about the “increasing Soviet threat” in the Pacific. Concluding that the Soviet military machine is homebound and vulnerable, the authors add that it is “vastly inferior to the US in every dimension”.

American Lake also touches briefly on the role of the Nuclear-Free and Independent Pacific (NFIP) movement which has provided a powerful “people’s diplomacy” since the early 1970s. It could have examined this rather more closely, but perhaps it is better tackled by other authors.

Both books are compulsory reading for anybody seriously advocating a truly peaceful order in the Pacific.