
From Kanaky to Palestine, how Paris is weaponising deportations from Pacific

In the West Bank, one in three Palestinians has experienced one or more incarcerations during their life since 1967, or 35 percent of the population, while in Kanaky, the...

Tahiti’s ‘old lion’ Gaston Flosse, 93, steps down after 52 years in politics

By Patrick Decloitre French Polynesia’s veteran politician, 93-year-old Gaston Flosse, announced last week he is stepping down from his...

A role for Pacific media in charting a pragmatic global outlook

ANALYSIS: By Shailendra Bahadur Singh and Amit Sarwal in Suva Given the intensifying situation, journalists, academics and experts joined...

Amid decline in mainstream media trust, Pacific Journalism Review remains a beacon

Professor Vijay Naidu’s speech celebrating the launch of the 30th anniversary edition of Pacific Journalism Review at the...

PANG talks to journalist David Robie on Pacific decolonisation issues

PANG Media The PANG media team at this month’s Pacific International Media Conference in Fiji caught up with independent...

A surprising litmus test for Kanaky New Caledonia’s independence parties

ANALYSIS: By Denise Fisher The voters in the second round of France’s national elections last weekend staved off an expected shift to the far-right. But...

David Robie talks media challenges, education and decolonisation on Radio 531pi’s Pacific Mornings

PMN Pacific Mornings A major conference on the state and future of Pacific media is taking place this week in Fiji. Dr David Robie, editor of...

Decolonisation, the climate crisis, and improving media education in the Pacific

Global Voices interviews veteran author, journalist and educator David Robie who discusses the state of Pacific media, journalism education, and the role of the...

Graham Davis: Fiji coup culture – here we go again. More instability?

COMMENTARY: By Graham Davis The Fiji Times totally crossed the line today by using a convicted felon who took part in the 2000 coup to...

Murray Horton: Genocide in Gaza – let’s talk about Hamas

ANALYSIS: By Murray Horton The general consensus is that Gaza is this generation’s Vietnam. There are some similarities between the two wars -- and a...

Gaza could change everything. The War on Terror faces international justice.

COMMENTARY: By Eugene Doyle Could the final act of the US Global War on Terror (GWOT) be the conviction of a US President for terrorism? ...