
Legends of NFIP: Former FANG president Vijay Naidu talks Pacific anti-nuclear activism

Pacific Media Watch An interview with former University of the South Pacific (USP) development studies professor Dr Vijay Naidu, a founding president of the Fiji Anti-Nuclear Group (FANG), has produced...

From Kanaky to Palestine, how Paris is weaponising deportations from Pacific

In the West Bank, one in three Palestinians has experienced one or more incarcerations during their life since...

Tahiti’s ‘old lion’ Gaston Flosse, 93, steps down after 52 years in politics

By Patrick Decloitre French Polynesia’s veteran politician, 93-year-old Gaston Flosse, announced last week he is stepping down from his...

A role for Pacific media in charting a pragmatic global outlook

ANALYSIS: By Shailendra Bahadur Singh and Amit Sarwal in Suva Given the intensifying situation, journalists, academics and experts joined...

Amid decline in mainstream media trust, Pacific Journalism Review remains a beacon

Professor Vijay Naidu’s speech celebrating the launch of the 30th anniversary edition of Pacific Journalism Review at the...

Mediawatch: Further fallout as RNZ takes out the ‘Kremlin garbage’

External experts are poring over the “inappropriate editing” of international news published online by RNZ. It has already tightened editorial checks and stood down...

Richard Naidu: Money, politics and fear – yet FFP’s millions still weren’t enough

ANALYSIS: By Richard Naidu in Suva It has been six months now, but I have to make a strange admission. I miss the laughs I...

I was involved in stalled talks to free kidnapped NZ pilot in West Papua. What happens now?

ANALYSIS: By Damien Kingsbury New Zealand pilot Philip Mehrtens has now been held hostage in West Papua for four months. Stalled attempts to negotiate his...

Gavin Ellis: Proof our newsrooms need a ‘second pair of eyes’

COMMENTARY: By Gavin Ellis Own goals by two of our top news organisations last week raised a fundamental question: What has happened to their checking...

Slow down Simeon Brown – NZ bilingual traffic signs aren’t an accident waiting to happen

ANALYSIS: By Richard Shaw When New Zealand’s opposition National Party’s transport spokesperson, Simeon Brown, questioned the logic of bilingual traffic signs, he seemed to echo...

Background to SCORI – is this a sell-out of Pacific’s ‘Sea of Islands’?

By concerned citizens of the Pacific The signing of the memorandum of understanding between the University of the South Pacific’s vice-chancellor and president, Professor Pal...