
From Kanaky to Palestine, how Paris is weaponising deportations from Pacific

In the West Bank, one in three Palestinians has experienced one or more incarcerations during their life since 1967, or 35 percent of the population, while in Kanaky, the...

Tahiti’s ‘old lion’ Gaston Flosse, 93, steps down after 52 years in politics

By Patrick Decloitre French Polynesia’s veteran politician, 93-year-old Gaston Flosse, announced last week he is stepping down from his...

A role for Pacific media in charting a pragmatic global outlook

ANALYSIS: By Shailendra Bahadur Singh and Amit Sarwal in Suva Given the intensifying situation, journalists, academics and experts joined...

Amid decline in mainstream media trust, Pacific Journalism Review remains a beacon

Professor Vijay Naidu’s speech celebrating the launch of the 30th anniversary edition of Pacific Journalism Review at the...

PANG talks to journalist David Robie on Pacific decolonisation issues

PANG Media The PANG media team at this month’s Pacific International Media Conference in Fiji caught up with independent...

Owen Wilkes, the intellect behind New Zealand’s anti-nuclear stance

A new book about one of New Zealand’s foremost peace activists offers insight into Owen Wilkes, the man described as the intellect behind New...

A year on, we know why the Tongan eruption was so violent – it’s a spectacular wake-up call

ANALYSIS: By Shane Cronin, University of Auckland The Kingdom of Tonga exploded into global news on January 15 last year with one of the most...

Yamin Kogoya: Arrest of Papuan governor Enembe condemned as illegal Jakarta ‘kidnap’

ANALYSIS: By Yamin Kogoya Following months of legal limbo and a health crisis, Papua Governor Lukas Enembe was arrested this week by the country’s Corruption...

Why Pacific Islanders are staying put even as rising seas flood their homes and crops

ANALYSIS: By Merewalesi Yee, The University of Queensland; Annah Piggott-McKellar, Queensland University of Technology; Celia McMichael, The University of Melbourne, and Karen E McNamara,...

Behind the News: Media freedom, public interest and The Fiji Times

By John Mitchell in Suva In any true democracy, the role of journalists and the media outlets they represent is to inform the people so...

Steven Ratuva: What an election in Fiji – some reflections, lessons

ANALYSIS: By Professor Steven Ratuva The highly anticipated 2022 election last month was a very close, emotionally charged and highly controversial affair. All that is behind...