
Amid decline in mainstream media trust, Pacific Journalism Review remains a beacon

Professor Vijay Naidu’s speech celebrating the launch of the 30th anniversary edition of Pacific Journalism Review at the Pacific International Media Conference in Suva, Fiji, on 4 July 2024....

PANG talks to journalist David Robie on Pacific decolonisation issues

PANG Media The PANG media team at this month’s Pacific International Media Conference in Fiji caught up with independent...

Elevation, colour – and the American flag. Here’s what makes Evan Vucci’s Trump photograph so powerful

ANALYSIS: By Sara Oscar The attempted assassination of Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania was captured by several...

When media freedom as the ‘oxygen of democracy’ and political hypocrisy share the same Pacific arena

By David Robie for Pacific Media Watch Many platitudes about media freedom and democracy laced last week’s Pacific International...

‘Frontline Media Faultlines’ – David Robie’s keynote address to the 2024 Pacific Media Conference

The Australia Today Here is the livestream of Dr David Robie's keynote address "Frontline Media Faultlines: How Critical Journalism...

NZ’s Parliament siege, ‘disinformation war’, kava and media change featured in latest PJR (2022)

By Pacific Media Watch Frontline investigative articles on Aotearoa New Zealand’s 23-day Parliament protester siege, social media disinformation and Asia-Pacific media changes and adaptations...

Journalism education ‘truth’ challenges: An age of growing hate, intolerance and disinformation

By David Robie in Pacific Journalism Review This keynote commentary at the Asian Congress for Media and Communication (ACMC) conference with the theme Change, Adaptation...

‘Stay home, stay safe, be kind’: How New Zealand crushed, not just flattened the COVID-19 curve (2021)

By David Robie, book chapter in Racism and Politicization In contrast to disastrous Western exceptionalist trends in Europe and the United States in countering the...

Media freedom: A West Papuan human rights journalism case study

By David Robie Media freedom means journalism can "shape and spread values, defuse tensions, and counter hate-speech". Through its capacity to investigate, challenge, and question...

Crimes NZ: David Robie on the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior

From RNZ Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan New Zealand established its credentials as an independent small nation after the fatal bombing of Greenpeace ship the Rainbow...

Science Writing and Climate Change (2019)

By Crispin C. Maslog, David Robie and Joel Adriano We now live in the age of science and technology. In this age, the senior citizens...