John Menadue: America is the most violent, aggressive country in the world

Of the international intelligence information that comes to Australian agencies from the Five Eyes, 90 percent comes from the CIA and related US intelligence agencies. So in effect we...

Jonathan Cook: Israel is in a death spiral – who will it take down with it?

Israel’s zealots are ignoring the pleas of the top brass. They want to widen the circle of war,...

NZ rallies protest over Israeli killings of children as world condemns latest school ‘bloody massacre’

Asia Pacific Report Speakers at a large rally in the heart of New Zealand’s largest city today strongly condemned...

Jonathan Cook: Nothing’s changed since 1948 – except now Israel’s excuses don’t work

"We have been lied to for decades about the creation of Israel. It was born in sin, and...

Call for collective global action over ‘horrific’ Israeli crimes against Palestinian prisoners

COMMENTARY: By Qadura Fares On August 3, last Saturday, prisoner rights institutions and Palestinians all around the world were...

Gaza killings and the death of Western journalism – why the shocking silence?

COMMENTARY: By Mohamad Elmasry On Wednesday, 31 July 2024, the Israeli army killed two more Palestinian journalists in Gaza. Ismail al-Ghoul and Rami al-Rifi were working...

Pacific Journalism Review at 30 – a strong media legacy

COMMENTARY: By David Robie in Devpolicy Blog Pacific Journalism Review (PJR) began life three decades ago in Papua New Guinea and recently celebrated a remarkable...

A Wall of Shame – but do Pacific Islanders even notice gender deaths?

One report of a five-part series focused on the 15th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women that took place in the Marshall Islands last week....

Legends of NFIP: Former FANG president Vijay Naidu talks Pacific anti-nuclear activism

Pacific Media Watch An interview with former University of the South Pacific (USP) development studies professor Dr Vijay Naidu, a founding president of the Fiji...

From Kanaky to Palestine, how Paris is weaponising deportations from Pacific

In the West Bank, one in three Palestinians has experienced one or more incarcerations during their life since 1967, or 35 percent of the...

When media freedom as the ‘oxygen of democracy’ and political hypocrisy share the same Pacific arena

By David Robie for Pacific Media Watch Many platitudes about media freedom and democracy laced last week’s Pacific International Media Conference in the Fijian capital...