COMMENTARY: By Eugene Doyle
Lest we forget. On 25 February 2024 Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old active duty US serviceman, self-immolated in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington.
His last words...
SPECIAL REPORT: By Te Aniwaniwa Paterson of Te Ao Māori News
West Papuan independence advocate Octovianus Mote is in Aotearoa New Zealand to win support...
Those who can’t connect barbaric abuses of Palestinians by Israelis — generation after generation — and the crimes of October 7, have little understanding...
Of the international intelligence information that comes to Australian agencies from the Five Eyes, 90 percent comes from the CIA and related US intelligence...
Israel’s zealots are ignoring the pleas of the top brass. They want to widen the circle of war, whatever the consequences.
ANALYSIS: By Jonathan Cook