
Dan McGarry: Marc Neil-Jones is dead. His legacy lives on.

TRIBUTE: By Dan McGarry In Bislama, they say, "Wan nambanga i foldaon". A great tree has fallen. The nambanga, or banyan tree, is the centrepiece of many a Vanuatu village. Its massive...

Marshall Islands: How the Rongelap evacuation changed the course of history

SPECIAL REPORT: By Giff Johnson The late Member of Parliament Jeton Anjain and the people of the nuclear test-affected...

Caitlin Johnstone: Even more assaults on free speech to silence criticism of Israel

COMMENTARY: By Caitlin Johnstone Notes from The Edge of the Narrative Matrix Acting on orders from the White House, immigration...

Rainbow Warrior back in Marshall Islands on nuclear justice mission

By Reza Azam of Greenpeace Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior has arrived back in the Marshall Islands yesterday for a...

Vanuatu mourns loss of iconic Pacific media pioneer Marc Neil-Jones

OBITUARY: By Terence Malapa in Port Vila Vanuatu’s media community was in mourning today following the death on Monday...

Mr Speaker, we’re not your enemies. We’re reporting without fear or favour

EDITORIAL: PNG Post-Courier Mister Speaker, our collective question without notice is to you mister Speaker. We want the Prime Minister and his deputy to take...

John Minto: Cruel irony in claims RNZ reports are biased in favour of Palestine

COMMENTARY: By John Minto There is cruel irony in reports that Radio New Zealand has edited foreign news reports in favour of Palestinians. It is ironic...

Gavin Ellis: Proof our newsrooms need a ‘second pair of eyes’

COMMENTARY: By Gavin Ellis Own goals by two of our top news organisations last week raised a fundamental question: What has happened to their checking...

Pacific councillors offer passionate defence of Auckland city’s assets in budget dilemma

Local Democracy reporter Kim Meredith reflects on her observations from Auckland Council’s two-day annual budget meeting last week. Following drawn out debate and Mayor...

Duncan Graham: Compromise worked in Aceh – why not West Papua?

There are parallels between Indonesia’s Aceh where an Australian surfer faced a flogging, and West Papua where a New Zealand pilot may be facing...

Academic ‘tsunami’ at USP shakes regional Pacific institution to core

COMMENT: By Michael Field An alleged bizarre swinging punch towards an academic from a senior management figure at the top of the University of the...