
Dan McGarry: Marc Neil-Jones is dead. His legacy lives on.

TRIBUTE: By Dan McGarry In Bislama, they say, "Wan nambanga i foldaon". A great tree has fallen. The nambanga, or banyan tree, is the centrepiece of many a Vanuatu village. Its massive...

Marshall Islands: How the Rongelap evacuation changed the course of history

SPECIAL REPORT: By Giff Johnson The late Member of Parliament Jeton Anjain and the people of the nuclear test-affected...

Caitlin Johnstone: Even more assaults on free speech to silence criticism of Israel

COMMENTARY: By Caitlin Johnstone Notes from The Edge of the Narrative Matrix Acting on orders from the White House, immigration...

Rainbow Warrior back in Marshall Islands on nuclear justice mission

By Reza Azam of Greenpeace Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior has arrived back in the Marshall Islands yesterday for a...

Vanuatu mourns loss of iconic Pacific media pioneer Marc Neil-Jones

OBITUARY: By Terence Malapa in Port Vila Vanuatu’s media community was in mourning today following the death on Monday...

Why Israel’s violent Gaza strategy to divide Palestinian resistance will fail

ANALYSIS: By Mohsen Abu Ramadan Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's latest assault on Gaza is a well-worn strategy among Israeli politicians to manufacture unity during...

Journalist David Robie launches new open access Café Pacific website

Pacific Media Watch Journalist, author and media academic David Robie has launched an independent news and current affairs website to complement his long-established Asia Pacific...

Tahiti’s pro-independence ‘blue wave’ back at helm with decisive win

SPECIAL REPORT: By Ena Manuireva Mā'ohi Nui's blue wave of the pro-independence Tavini Huir'atira has won its bet -- to be back in the helm...

Open letter to PM Albanese: Canberra must call on UN to ‘rectify breaches’ over West Papuan decolonisation

Café Pacific An author and human rights advocate for West Papuan self-determination today sent an open letter to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the...

Vila-based Indonesian ‘troll’ page targets Papuan advocates

By David Robie As part of an Indonesian-backed disinformation and troll campaign against West Papuan pro-independence advocates, a Facebook page has emerged making bitter and...

Doc Edge abandons ‘provocative’ Israeli Embassy sponsorship for 2023 festival

By John Minto The Doc Edge Film Festival has abandoned Israeli Embassy sponsorship this year after a furore caused by such sponsorship last year. We are...