
Call for collective global action over ‘horrific’ Israeli crimes against Palestinian prisoners

COMMENTARY: By Qadura Fares On August 3, last Saturday, prisoner rights institutions and Palestinians all around the world were standing in solidarity with Gaza and Palestininian prisoners. This day is...

Gavin Ellis: AI-created editorials: What in HAL’s name was the Herald thinking?

COMMENTARY: By Dr Gavin Ellis Integrity is the most valued element of a news organisation’s reputation. Without it, it...

Ilan Pappé: To end Gaza genocide, uproot the source of all violence – Zionism

Since the arrival of Zionism in Palestine, the impulse of the Palestinians has not been about violence or...

Gaza killings and the death of Western journalism – why the shocking silence?

COMMENTARY: By Mohamad Elmasry On Wednesday, 31 July 2024, the Israeli army killed two more Palestinian journalists in Gaza. Ismail...

Pacific Journalism Review at 30 – a strong media legacy

COMMENTARY: By David Robie in Devpolicy Blog Pacific Journalism Review (PJR) began life three decades ago in Papua New...

Latest Okinawan Island Studies journal features social justice activism and advocacy

Asia Pacific Report A new edition of the Okinawan Journal of Island Studies features social justice island activism, including a case study of Aotearoa New...

Slow down Simeon Brown – NZ bilingual traffic signs aren’t an accident waiting to happen

ANALYSIS: By Richard Shaw When New Zealand’s opposition National Party’s transport spokesperson, Simeon Brown, questioned the logic of bilingual traffic signs, he seemed to echo...

Background to SCORI – is this a sell-out of Pacific’s ‘Sea of Islands’?

By concerned citizens of the Pacific The signing of the memorandum of understanding between the University of the South Pacific’s vice-chancellor and president, Professor Pal...

India launches ‘celebration of future’ climate research centre at USP

By Joeli Bili in Suva A partnership forged between the Indian government and the University of the South Pacific will see the establishment of a...

Highly secretive Five Eyes alliance disrupts China-backed hacker group

ANALYSIS: By Dennis B. Desmond This week the Five Eyes alliance — an intelligence alliance between Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and the...

‘Voice of the Voiceless’: The Pacific Media Centre as a case study of academic and research advocacy and activism

By David Robie in the Okinawan Journal of Island Studies For more than a decade, the pioneering Pacific Media Centre at Aotearoa’s Auckland University of...