
Call for collective global action over ‘horrific’ Israeli crimes against Palestinian prisoners

COMMENTARY: By Qadura Fares On August 3, last Saturday, prisoner rights institutions and Palestinians all around the world were standing in solidarity with Gaza and Palestininian prisoners. This day is...

Gavin Ellis: AI-created editorials: What in HAL’s name was the Herald thinking?

COMMENTARY: By Dr Gavin Ellis Integrity is the most valued element of a news organisation’s reputation. Without it, it...

Ilan Pappé: To end Gaza genocide, uproot the source of all violence – Zionism

Since the arrival of Zionism in Palestine, the impulse of the Palestinians has not been about violence or...

Gaza killings and the death of Western journalism – why the shocking silence?

COMMENTARY: By Mohamad Elmasry On Wednesday, 31 July 2024, the Israeli army killed two more Palestinian journalists in Gaza. Ismail...

Pacific Journalism Review at 30 – a strong media legacy

COMMENTARY: By David Robie in Devpolicy Blog Pacific Journalism Review (PJR) began life three decades ago in Papua New...

The Voice isn’t apartheid or a veto over Parliament – this misinformation is undermining democratic debate

ANALYSIS: By Dominic O’Sullivan Many different arguments for and against the Voice to Parliament have been heard in the lead-up to this year’s referendum in...

Australians should be wary of scare stories about New Zealand’s Waitangi Tribunal

ANALYSIS: By Michael Belgrave Australian Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price’s recent claim that Aotearoa New Zealand’s Waitangi Tribunal has veto powers over Parliament was met with...

Owen Wilkes: Exposing foreign militarism on the ‘backside of the earth’

By David Robie When I first encountered Owen Wilkes it was at a range of 17,000 kilometres -- the distance between Auckland, Aotearoa, and Stockholm,...

Less than illustrious: remembering the Anzacs means also not forgetting some committed war crimes

ANALYSIS: By Jeffrey McNeill It was observed that the English had slain wounded and captured German prisoners. So reads a disturbing war diary entry of...

The ‘otherness’ of Jacinda Ardern – by doing politics differently she changed the game and saved her party

ANALYSIS: By Jennifer Curtin This week marks the beginning of Jacinda Ardern’s life outside parliament, since she officially ceased to be an electorate MP at...

Africa’s highway takes shape – bureaucrats, mud and all

Flashback to a cover story in African Development magazine in April 1974. The Trans-African Highway (TAH) was expected to ease trade and other contacts...