
Jonathan Cook: Nothing’s changed since 1948 – except now Israel’s excuses don’t work

"We have been lied to for decades about the creation of Israel. It was born in sin, and it continues to live in sin." COMMENTARY: By Jonathan Cook The headline above,...

Call for collective global action over ‘horrific’ Israeli crimes against Palestinian prisoners

COMMENTARY: By Qadura Fares On August 3, last Saturday, prisoner rights institutions and Palestinians all around the world were...

Gavin Ellis: AI-created editorials: What in HAL’s name was the Herald thinking?

COMMENTARY: By Dr Gavin Ellis Integrity is the most valued element of a news organisation’s reputation. Without it, it...

Ilan Pappé: To end Gaza genocide, uproot the source of all violence – Zionism

Since the arrival of Zionism in Palestine, the impulse of the Palestinians has not been about violence or...

Gaza killings and the death of Western journalism – why the shocking silence?

COMMENTARY: By Mohamad Elmasry On Wednesday, 31 July 2024, the Israeli army killed two more Palestinian journalists in Gaza. Ismail...

Fiji’s defence and security review – a pivotal step towards stability

ANALYSIS: By Shailendra Singh Fiji Home Affairs Minister Pio Tikoduadua’s national defence and security review initiative announced last month marks a bold and pivotal step...

New Zealand can learn from South Africa, The Gambia and others when it comes to international accountability

ANALYSIS: By Karen Scott In 2023, the world witnessed a sustained attack on the very foundations of the international legal order. Russia, a permanent member of...

After 3 months of devastation in the Israel-Hamas war, is anyone ‘winning’?

ANALYSIS: By Ian Parmeter The 19th century German war strategist and field marshal Helmuth von Moltke famously coined the aphorism “No battle plan survives first...

Since the war on Gaza began, violence against Palestinians has surged in the West Bank

ANALYSIS: By Tristan Dunning and Martin Kear While the world remains fixated on the devastating October 7 Hamas attacks and the subsequent Israeli attacks on...

Peters has track record but NZ aid policy still hard to figure out

ANALYSIS: By Terence Wood In the wake of New Zealand’s recent election, and subsequent coalition negotiations, Winston Peters has emerged as New Zealand’s Foreign Minister...

Owen Wilkes was an admirable, fearless and unforgettable New Zealander

INTRODUCTION: By Mark Derby Just weeks after Owen Wilkes’ sudden death in 2005, a van arrived at his basic bach in Kāwhia to carry away...