Tag: death threats


RSF calls on French authorities to guarantee journalist safety in Kanaky New Caledonia

Pacific Media Watch The Paris-based global media freedom watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has called for guaranteed safety for journalists in the French Pacific territory...

Former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman faced ‘continuous death threats’, says Shaw

RNZ News Former Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman — a leading voice in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Parliament for human rights, an independent foreign policy, and...

I was involved in stalled talks to free kidnapped NZ pilot in West Papua. What happens now?

ANALYSIS: By Damien Kingsbury New Zealand pilot Philip Mehrtens has now been held hostage in West Papua for four months. Stalled attempts to negotiate his...

Aotearoa’s inspirational prime minister Jacinda Ardern steps down amid misogyny row

By David Robie Aotearoa New Zealand has been shaken to the core by the sudden resignation of one of its most iconic and revered prime...

The hatred and vitriol NZ’s Jacinda Ardern endured ‘would affect anybody’

“History will judge Jacinda Ardern as a remarkable leader. She is genuinely kind and has an incredible intellect, she’s made more of a contribution...

Archive: Journalists face grisly threats in Philippines

On average seven journalists have been killed every year in the Philippines since Cory Aquino came to power. David Robie reports on a record...