Tag: Gaza Strip


Foreign policy group Te Kuaka calls on NZ to urge immediate Gaza ceasefire

Asia Pacific Report A progressive foreign policy group is calling for the New Zealand government to condemn the siege of Gaza, and demand an immediate...

Operation Al Aqsa Storm: How, why and where to now in Gaza?

ANALYSIS: By Mouin Rabbani Almost 50 years to the day after the joint Egyptian-Syrian offensive that launched the 1973 October War, Israel has once again...

John Minto: A prime minister with Gaza ‘blood on his hands’

COMMENTARY: By John Minto Aotearoa New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins is correct to condemn Hamas killing Israeli civilians in its attacks on Israel this...

Gaza blockade: Hamas’s tragic attack a response to longterm and escalating, immediate violence

COMMENTARY: By Marilyn Garson, Fred Albert, Sue Berman and Justine Sachs of the Alternative Jewish Voices (NZ) Hamas has responded to Israel’s escalating violence with...

John Minto: Systemic NZ misreporting on Israeli occupation of Palestine and Palestinian resistance

COMMENTARY: By John Minto The Hamas attack on Israel yesterday has brought the usual round of systemic misreporting by New Zealand news outlets as they...

Palestine solidarity group calls on NZ to end ‘blind eye’ policy over brutal Israeli occupation

Asia Pacific Report The New Zealand government bears heavy responsibility for loss of life of Palestinians and Israelis in the latest fighting in Israel/Palestine and...