Tag: journalism and mass communication


The ‘death’ of journalism – may its memory be a blessing

Café Pacific A snippet shared about the ChatGPT debate from one of the gurus of investigative journalism, Sheila Coronel, at New York’s Columbia School of...

Journalism education ‘truth’ challenges: An age of growing hate, intolerance and disinformation

By David Robie This keynote commentary at the Asian Congress for Media and Communication (ACMC) conference with the theme Change, Adaptation and Culture: Media and...

Science Writing and Climate Change (2019)

By Crispin C. Maslog, David Robie and Joel Adriano We now live in the age of science and technology. In this age, the senior citizens...

Mekim Nius: South Pacific Media, Politics and Education (2004)

By David Robie The news media is the watchdog of democracy. But in the South Pacific today the Fourth Estate role is under threat from...

The Pacific Journalist: A Practical Guide (2001)

Edited by David Robie "Journalists, as arch-whistleblowers, are often viewed in the same light as trouble-makers who stir up situations unnecessarily. There are deep-rooted beliefs...

Café Pacific: Media freedom and transparency

Edited by David Robie Kia ora tatou and welcome to journalist David Robie's independent news media and politics commentary and analysis about Aotearoa/NZ and the...