Tag: New Zealand


Open letter plea for NZ to back West Papua peaceful hostage plan

Asia Pacific Report A New Zealand advocacy group has appealed to the government to heed the call of West Papuan church leaders for Indonesia to...

Journalist David Robie launches new open access Café Pacific website

Pacific Media Watch Journalist, author and media academic David Robie has launched an independent news and current affairs website to complement his long-established Asia Pacific...

Why Australia and NZ could become republics – and stay in the Commonwealth

ANALYSIS: By James Mehigan The coronation of King Charles III is an ideal time for Australia and New Zealand to take stock of the British...

Australians should be wary of scare stories about New Zealand’s Waitangi Tribunal

ANALYSIS: By Michael Belgrave Australian Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price’s recent claim that Aotearoa New Zealand’s Waitangi Tribunal has veto powers over Parliament was met with...

Owen Wilkes: Exposing foreign militarism on the ‘backside of the earth’

By David Robie When I first encountered Owen Wilkes it was at a range of 17,000 kilometres -- the distance between Auckland, Aotearoa, and Stockholm,...

Vila-based Indonesian ‘troll’ page targets Papuan advocates

By David Robie As part of an Indonesian-backed disinformation and troll campaign against West Papuan pro-independence advocates, a Facebook page has emerged making bitter and...