Tag: nuclear tests


Eyes Of Fire: 30 Years On – mapping the history with AUT students

Dedicated to Fernando Pereira (1950–1985) who was killed in the attack on the Rainbow Warrior by French secret agents. David Robie's book Eyes of Fire...

Eyes Of Fire: The Last Voyage of the Rainbow Warrior, 2015 (30th anniversary edition)

By David Robie On 10 July 1985, French secret agents bombed the Greenpeace campaign flagship Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbour, Aotearoa New Zealand. Portuguese-born Dutch...

Tu Galala: Social Change in the Pacific (1992)

Edited by David Robie "The Pacific is in upheaval -- growing poverty, nuclear testing, independence struggles, militarisation and massive social dislocation are pressing, often intractable...

Archive: Challenging Goliath – New Internationalist 1986

When Aotearoa (NZ) banned nuclear warships from its ports it was seen as David standing up to Washington's Goliath. But behind Prime Minister David...

Archive: Nuclear Exodus: The Rongelap Evacuation

By Chris Cooper, David Robie and Michael Fleck An independent video slide show developed from photographs in David Robie's photographic exhibition around the original Rainbow...

Archive: Tahiti: The third flag of Faa’a

By David Robie Two flags fly outside most town halls in "French" Polynesia. One is the Tricolore of the French republic; the other is the...