Tag: Owen Wilkes


Owen Wilkes was an admirable, fearless and unforgettable New Zealander

INTRODUCTION: By Mark Derby Just weeks after Owen Wilkes’ sudden death in 2005, a van arrived at his basic bach in Kāwhia to carry away...

In the US, investigative journalists are blacklisted, ostracised and even jailed – in New Zealand, they are honoured

Nicky Hager received a major national award in New Zealand after having written a book exposing a secret spy base in New Zealand and...

Owen Wilkes dead since 2005 – but SIS still won’t release his personal file

By Murray Horton, editor of Foreign Control Watchdog New Zealand's globally renowned peace researcher Owen Wilkes has been dead since 2005, but he is still...

Iconic peace researcher Owen Wilkes exposed global covert military activity and inspired NZ’s nuclear-free status

REVIEW:  By Ken Mansell The recent publication of a book of essays honouring the life of legendary New Zealand peace researcher and activist Owen Wilkes...

Owen Wilkes: Exposing foreign militarism on the ‘backside of the earth’

By David Robie When I first encountered Owen Wilkes it was at a range of 17,000 kilometres -- the distance between Auckland, Aotearoa, and Stockholm,...

Peter Lusk: Reflections on my mahi with peace researcher Owen Wilkes

The Owen Wilkes book Peacemonger, edited by May Bass and Mark Derby, was due to be launched in Wellington today after earlier launches in...