Tag: US nuclear tests


Archive: A photographer’s date with a nuclear death

President Jacques Chirac's controversial final round of nuclear tests at Moruroa and Fangataufa atolls in 1995 unleashed an unprecedented storm of international protest. And...

Archive: Poisoned Reign – bringing us up to date about ‘merciless’ France’s nuclear hostages in the Pacific

REVIEWS: By David Robie When it first appeared in 1977 under the title Moruroa, Mon Amour, the Danielsson's book was a damning indictment of French...

Archive: Challenging Goliath – New Internationalist 1986

When Aotearoa (NZ) banned nuclear warships from its ports it was seen as David standing up to Washington's Goliath. But behind Prime Minister David...

Archive: Nuclear Exodus: The Rongelap Evacuation

By Chris Cooper, David Robie and Michael Fleck An independent video slide show developed from photographs in David Robie's photographic exhibition around the original Rainbow...