
John Menadue: America is the most violent, aggressive country in the world

Of the international intelligence information that comes to Australian agencies from the Five Eyes, 90 percent comes from the CIA and related US intelligence agencies. So in effect we...

Jonathan Cook: Israel is in a death spiral – who will it take down with it?

Israel’s zealots are ignoring the pleas of the top brass. They want to widen the circle of war,...

NZ rallies protest over Israeli killings of children as world condemns latest school ‘bloody massacre’

Asia Pacific Report Speakers at a large rally in the heart of New Zealand’s largest city today strongly condemned...

Jonathan Cook: Nothing’s changed since 1948 – except now Israel’s excuses don’t work

"We have been lied to for decades about the creation of Israel. It was born in sin, and...

Call for collective global action over ‘horrific’ Israeli crimes against Palestinian prisoners

COMMENTARY: By Qadura Fares On August 3, last Saturday, prisoner rights institutions and Palestinians all around the world were...

David Robie: A future in Pacific journalism in the age of ‘media phobia’

KEYNOTE ADDRESS 2018: By David Robie Kia Ora Tatou and Ni Sa Bula, For many of you millennials, you’re graduating and entering a Brave New World...

Self-censorship in the Fiji media – Fijileaks reviews a timely book on coups, culture and criticism

By Victor Lal, founding editor-in-chief of Fijileaks Don’t Spoil My Beautiful Face: Media, Mayhem & Human Rights in the Pacific, in a sense, is a...

David Robie: Fiji, PNG lead betrayal, but still West Papuans triumph in 2015

COMMENTARY: By David Robie The Melanesian Spearhead Group leaders’ summit in Honiara this week must go down as the most shameful since the organisation...

Fiji’s media still struggling to regain ‘free and fair’ space

COMMENTARY: By David Robie Almost eight months after the much-heralded election to usher Fiji back into democracy mode, the country will mark World Press Freedom...

Shooting the messenger, Pacific style

Media freedom as an issue in the Pacific has been defined in far too narrow terms, as if Big Brother governments and politicians ignorant...

West Papua a media black spot

By David Robie and Alex Perrottet The state of Pacific media freedom is fragile in the wake of serious setbacks, notably in Fiji, with...