OPEN LETTER: By Hassan Abo Qamar
Dear Mr Trump,
I am writing to you as a Palestinian and a survivor of genocide, who was born and raised in Gaza -- a...
By David Robie
On 19 October 1995, the Governor-General of Papua New Guinea issued the terms of reference for a Constitutional Review Committee's (CRC) Subcommittee...
President Jacques Chirac's controversial final round of nuclear tests at Moruroa and Fangataufa atolls in 1995 unleashed an unprecedented storm of international protest. And...
REVIEW: By Damon Salesa
This ocean of ours is many things, but it is rarely "pacific". The passage of contact, colonialism and supposed independence has...
Uni Tavur, the journalism training newspaper produced by the University of Papua New Guinea reporters and editors, celebrated its second decade of publishing in July...
By David Robie in Arena Magazine
Abstract: Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says, "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion...