Tag: culture


Historic Girmit Day apology accepted as Fiji enters new era of unity and reconciliation

By Arieta Vakasukawaqa in Suva History unfolded live at the Vodafone Arena at Laucala Bay in Suva yesterday when the Methodist Church of Fiji and...

ABC launches new TV show, The Pacific – and its storytellers

SPECIAL REPORT: By Natasha Johnson When Tahlea Aualiitia talks about hosting the ABC’s new Pacific-focused news and current affairs TV programme, The Pacific, her voice...

Palestinians uphold traditional Ramadan rituals – despite the Israeli Occupation

By Wafa Aludaini in Gaza During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims from all corners of the globe come together to celebrate. Each country has...

Talanoa: expanding millennial notions of a ‘Pacific way’ journalism education and media research culture

By David Robie As critical issues such as climate change, exploited fisheries, declining human rights, and reconfiguration of political systems inherited at independence increasingly challenge...

Journalism Education in the South Pacific, 1975-2003 : Politics, policy and practice

By David Robie University education for South Pacific journalists is a relatively recent development. It has existed in Papua New Guinea for merely a generation;...

Archive: Pacific media benchmark

REVIEW: By Murray Horton It is a graphic illustration of corporate New Zealand's colonial mentality that our Eurocentric news media tell us all about the...