
Graham Davis: Fiji coup culture – here we go again. More instability?

COMMENTARY: By Graham Davis The Fiji Times totally crossed the line today by using a convicted felon who took part in the 2000 coup to call for the release of...

Buttu debunks Israeli ‘myths’ about Gaza siege – ‘vital to break it’

Kia Ora Gaza An international lawyer and former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Diana Buttu, says it...

Kanaky, Palestine and West Papua – ‘same struggle’, David Robie talks Pacific to Earthwise

Pacific Media Watch Earthwise presenters Lois and Martin Griffiths of Plains FM96.9 radio talk to Dr David Robie, a...

Latest Kiwi crew to join Gaza Freedom Flotilla leaves today to join the Handala

Asia Pacific Report New Zealand activists Youssef Sammour and Rana Hamida have been selected to join the volunteer crew...

Defend ‘Pacific voice’ over geopolitics, climate crisis – keep pressure on decolonisation, says David Robie

By Monika Singh in Suva New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) awardee Professor David Robie has called on young...

Archive: How PNG’s Mista Grasruts became Mr Clean

Mista Grasruts (Grassroots), the funniest cartoon character in the South Pacific, is cutting down on his beer, drinking fruit juice and setting a moral...

Archive: Tortured Fiji academic tells of his scars

From Café Pacific 1990 archives: The abduction and torture of a scientist by soldiers has exposed a sinister side to the current ruling regime...

Archive: Bougainville: New Zealand’s part in a guerilla war

New Zealanders played a critical part in a flash-point that ignited a guerilla war threatening the economy and stability of Papuas New Guinea. David...

Archive: Shattered coups – the other way

Harassment, intimidation and exile failed to silence two authors, a Fijian and a New Zealander, who claim to expose the 'truth' about Brigadier Sitiveni...

Archive: The Fijian feudal connection

After two false starts, Fiji's rival former prime ministers finally get together for vital talks over the country's future. David Robie assesses their chances. After...

Archive: Fiji 1987: ‘Sit down everybody. This is a takeover!’

Fiji: Countdown to a coup ANALYSIS: By David Robie in New Outlook Sakeasi Butadroka fingers his trademark blood-red bow-tie and laughs: "This represents the blood of...