Israel isn’t eradicating "the terrorists". It’s turning Gaza into a wasteland, a hellscape, where doctors no longer exist, aid workers are a memory, and compassion a liability, writes Jonathan...
ABC PACIFIC BEAT: By Marian Faa, Prianka Srinivasan and Belinda Kora
Papua New Guinea’s Foreign Minister has stepped aside after a widespread backlash to comments...
ANALYSIS: By Mohsen Abu Ramadan
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's latest assault on Gaza is a well-worn strategy among Israeli politicians to manufacture unity during...
Jubi News
A West Papuan leader, defending himself against treason charges, has denounced “systemic racism” by Indonesian authorities in the Melanesian region in a court...
By Stefan Armbuster
Indonesia’s military confirms one soldier was killed and more are unaccounted for after clashes with the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM)...
Flashback to a cover story in African Development magazine in April 1974. The Trans-African Highway (TAH) was expected to ease trade and other contacts...